Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
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Jeanne Wallace wrote:The Nature of Cancer: Cancer, Ecology, Permaculture and Healing (presented for Hawthorn University)
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
Jeanne Wallace wrote:
Anne Cline wrote:I am very thankful for all of you who are sending excellent information on alternative options for my cancer. At this point I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Conventional treatments have failed me. If I don't take my life into my own hands, I will lose my life. Thank you all.
Anne (I sent you a purple mooseage) and any other permies folk facing cancer:
I'm happy to share what I've learned working in this field in translational research and having a clinic serving thousands of cancer patients across the U.S. and abroad for the past 27 years. I'm one of only 3 practitioners who submitted a favorably reviewed Best Case Series of my work (with stage IV brain tumor clients) to the National Cancer Insitute (NCI/NCCAM). They agreed my approach nearly doubled expected survival. Yes, my partner with a GBM IV brain tumor survived 23 years—the doctor's prognosis was 1 year.
I'm not here to sell anything. I'm here as an advocate: to offer our permies community some tools, dispell some myths (and maybe confirm others!), and serve as a resource.
Many folks facing cancer are on a wild goose chase, searching for "what worked for someone else." But our bodies are individually as unique as our fingerprints. Modern medicine "kills" cancer cells but doesn't touch the terrain: the sick environment within the body and in our modern world. I teach folks how to discern the underlying root culprits in their biology (and biophysics), how to craft their own plan and assess its efficacy (so they're not "shooting in the dark"). An herb, say for example curcumin (widely studied!), may be a fabulous help for one individual but do nothing for another. This can be predicted in advance by employing a biomarker-guided selection of therapies. Biomarkers are like doing permaculture site analysis. Taking stock of what parts of your body's innate anticancer and healing wisdom are working well and what areas need attention/solutions.
Some points to ponder:
• Cancer has an (epi)genetic component: but it is not a genetic disease. Many folks with so-called cancer genes never get cancer. The majority of folks with cancer have no genetic mutations.
• Metabolic therapies, like Keto Diets, are useful, but they don't always work and sometimes make things worse {we now know why this is}. Season matters!
• Mitochondria control the fate of the cell, but few folks know the powerful ways to heal mitochondria (it's free and costs nothing).
• Differentiation is a process by which mutated and cancerous cells REVERT back to healthy cells. It's easy to harness.
• Chemotherapy and Radiation therapies kill only rapidly dividing cells—be they neoplastic or healthy. Stem cells are untouched by these treatments; they can repopulate a tumor. Cancer stem cells are easy to address with specific foods.
• Boosting the immune system is often contraindicated because tumors recruit immune cells and train them to foster cancer progression. These recruited cells are called Tumor-Associated Lymphocytes, Tumor-Associated Macrophages, etc. This immune landscape is easy to discover on your routine blood work.
• Research by Dr David Blask's team has shown tumor cells are only "part time" cancers! At night, when melatonin levels surge, they revert back to healthy phenotypes. If your circadian rhythms are interrupted, or your melatonin production is impaired, you may have full-time cancer cells.
• Those facing cancer tend to curate a huge pile of supplements and herbs. But these are merely "ingredients" and cofactors (i.e., biochemistry). First, you need the ENERGY to heal. An analogy: on the kitchen counter you have an inspiring cookbook with fabulous "recipes" (i.e., the genes) AND a basket of garden-fresh ingredients (nutrients/biochemicals). Moreover, you've built that sweet rocket stove to heat and cook with far less wood and clean-clean combustion (i.e., mitochondria)! But come back in an hour and, I promise you, these items alone have not cooked your dinner for you. The assembly and delicious transformation is dependent on ENERGY (not just ATP, but biophysics). Healing takes ENERGY, which requires us to be in sync with nature, seasons, magnetism, native EMFs, circadian rhythms, grounding, etc.
Rick Shapiro's book "Hope Never Dies" has an excellent interview with me for anyone who wants to take a Deep Dive into cancer.
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
Bloomah Simkin wrote:Hi @Jeanne Wallace
I read your post with interest.
It sounds like you have a balanced view, rather than all the people who swear by some specific natural wondercure just because it worked for their Aunt Mildred (as Paul would say).
I was intrigued by the following 4 bullet points, which allude to some simple soluations but don't tell us what they are.
Can you share more or point us to a reliable resource where we can learn more about what you are referring to?
I greatly prefer if those resources take your balanced tone and are not mostly an anti-big-pharma rant.
Jeanne Wallace wrote:
• Mitochondria control the fate of the cell, but few folks know the powerful ways to heal mitochondria (it's free and costs nothing).
• Differentiation is a process by which mutated and cancerous cells REVERT back to healthy cells. It's easy to harness.
• Chemotherapy and Radiation therapies kill only rapidly dividing cells—be they neoplastic or healthy. Stem cells are untouched by these treatments; they can repopulate a tumor. Cancer stem cells are easy to address with specific foods.
• Boosting the immune system is often contraindicated because tumors recruit immune cells and train them to foster cancer progression. These recruited cells are called Tumor-Associated Lymphocytes, Tumor-Associated Macrophages, etc. This immune landscape is easy to discover on your routine blood work.
Most of what I do is deep translational research: pulling from many diverse fields—biology, biophysics, ecology, permaculture, environmental medicine, chronobiology, epigenetics, bioremediation, TCM, phytomedicine, ethnobotanical traditions, light medicine, functional medicine, wholistic interpretation of lab name a few)—so there is never ONE paper or source. Rather, I enjoy gathering up pearls from a diverse array of sources, tinkering with them until I figure out how they may fit together, then vetting everything in the clinic.
I'm usually cautious about stating "here is the solution" because folks will try to apply it in ways that aren't useful and without wider exploration of the Big Picutre. As an unfortunate byproduct of the current model of industrial medicine, folks have a tendency to learn toward "green allopathy" (i.e., instead of "take this drug for this ailment," there's a lot of "take this drug-alternative for this ailment") and this is not very helpful. That's like learning one permaculture technique, say "swales" and plopping them down everywhere regardless of their suitability for your site.
Cancer cells don't exist in isolation: they are having a constant 2-way communication with the entire body. The terrain in the body can be a good host for cancer growth and progression or it can be unfavorable. Having a robust anticancer environment in the body isn't accomplished with one herb, or a certain diet, or a handful of supplements. There's no "Magic Bullet" here.
Let me start you on the journey of learning and exploring with some sources to inspire...
Mitochondria control the fate of the cell - discussed widely in the biomedical literature beginning 2012. Maybe start with this paper, see the Figure 1 : Casanova A, et al. 2023 A pubmed search for keywords "mitochondria AND cell AND fate" will take you down a lovely rabbit hole! But how to optimize your mitochondria? Ari Witten (practitioner, author, and youtube vlogger) has many free videos or take a deeper dive with R.D. Lee's Mitochondriac Manifesto book. The solution is not so much about "supplements" as enjoying a lifetyle close to natural cycles. Mitochondria are SENSORS of light and environment, so being exposed to sunlight in the morning, avoiding excess blue light (from screens, especially in the evening). Eating food IN SEASON is essential (since plants encode season information via phytosynthesis which our mitochondria and suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), "read" and use to regulate our own seasonal programming—think summer vs winter metabolism). Grounding/earthing—bare feet on the earth (or conductive shoes)—so you have plenty of electrons! Nature nourishes mitochondria; technology torments it, to quote the book above. See the sunrise and sunset. Use candles after dark. Avoid LEDs in favor of incandescents. Sleep longer in winter, less in summer (but still 7-8hrs for most). Gradually acclimate your skin to the sun and UV (so you don't burn). Avoid excess omega-6 oils so your skin is less prone to UV damage. Mitochondria grow stronger/replenish when we expose them to stressors (i.e., mitohormesis)...gradually. Build your tolerance for cold weather. Turn the water cold at the end of the shower. Wash your face with cold water in the morning. Sauna (if you have access).
Differentiation is an established, not alternative, concept. Evading differentiation is one of the key Hallmarks of Cancer (cool paper by Hanahan & Weinbug, originally published in 2000 and updated 2011 and Nov 2022: Fat-soluble vitamins are known to re-differentiate cancer cells (thus, sunlight adequate to pull one's blood level of 25-OH-cholecalciferol to 60-80ng/ml). But of course, never take supplements of vitamin D3 ALONE, which can create functional deficiencies in the other fat soluble vitamins, most notably fat-soluble vitamin K2 (not K1 from plant greens...important distinction). See for example the human clinical trial by Paul Trouillas on redifferentiation therapy of stage IV brain tumor patients for whom standard treatment was ineffective. Are you eating enough healthy fat? Is your cholesterol too low (you need it to produce vitamin D)? Are you eating sources of vitamin K2? Did you know there's actually zero vitamin A (retinol) in plant foods? The much-touted conversion of beta carotene to true vitamin A was far overstated and doesn't happen at all in those who are hypothyroid (which is many cancer patients). On the converse, if you're eating ample grains and legumes, you may be exposed to lots of glyphosate, which poisons the body's ability to metabolize/break down vitamin A, leading to retinol toxicity (and functional deficits of vitamins D, K2, E and others). Speaking of vitamin E, the 8 compounds that natures means when She says "vitamin E" (i.e., four tocopherols and four tocotrienols) are also differentiating agents...but if you're only getting alpha-tocopherol, you're depleting/inactivating the others and blocking differentiation.
Stem Cells:; and many many others. Drug companies are looking for the miracle pill to kill stem cells, but why? If you have a healthy terrain (body environment) and aren't messing up your cell-cell communication with gunk (nnEMFs, malillumination, heavy metals, glyphosate, etc.) your stem cells will mature into healthy cells. Eating ample culinary herbs and spices favors healthy stems cell regulation. Smell these to ensure they're still fresh and bioactive!
On Immune cells being recruited and "reprogrammed" (polarized) by tumor cells, and then acting to promote tumor progression, angiogenesis, and metastasis - broadly discussed in papers as "Immune Landscape" (that's a good keyword for searching). Maybe start here with tumor-associated macrophages: Harrington et al., 2019 (awesome graphic showing how this happens!); see also for the concept, then here for how those "recruited" immune cells drive cancer spread: Then broaden your search to read on Tumor-Associated Lymphocytes (TALs), Tumor-Associated Platelets (TAPs), Tumor-Associated Mast Cells (TAMCs). Biomarkers which measure the Immune Landscape (tumor-recruited cells): neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), pan-immune-inflammation-index (PIIV) and others... these are widely published to strongly correlate with survival and treatment outcomes.
Melding permaculture, bau-biologie, holistic nutrition oncology and functional medicine since 1997.,,
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
Melding permaculture, bau-biologie, holistic nutrition oncology and functional medicine since 1997.,,
Trace Oswald wrote:
paul wheaton wrote:A friend is in stage 4. ...
In addition to the things mentioned, if I had a friend with cancer, I would send him to this link: My cancer story rocks In fact, I'm on the protocol myself right now. The man used a chemical, fenben, in addition to several natural supplements. I know, it has a chemical in it that people here may not approve of, but if my friend was dying, I would want him to try it (obviously, since I am doing it myself). The site explains what happened and the process for a man that was written off by the medical establishment, and he is still alive and thriving.
I'll have more to report on my own situation, good or bad, soon enough.
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
Trace Oswald wrote:
First, the good news. I don't have cancer. Now, the other news. I damn near destroyed my liver using that protocol. Here are a couple liver readings:
Ferritin, S standard range=31-409 mcg/L my test=>100000. My results were higher than the test has the ability to measure
Melding permaculture, bau-biologie, holistic nutrition oncology and functional medicine since 1997.,,
Jeanne Wallace wrote:...
Trace, I hope your ferritin and other markers resolved when you stopped that protocol!
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
Trace Oswald wrote: Really good information Jeanne, thank you. My other markers did resolve, but it took months. The liver doc at Mayo in Rochester was pressing for a liver biopsy but I was confident I would recover with time, so I avoided that. All markers are back to normal now, but it was a scary few months.
Melding permaculture, bau-biologie, holistic nutrition oncology and functional medicine since 1997.,,
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