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reports of beating cancer in a week

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hello everyone - I had a breast cancer diagnosis in 2019, all good now after surgery and did not do chemo/radiation that was suggested but rather did a plethora of holistic practices (no stone left unturned) from deuterium depleted water, Reiki (even during surgery), sound therapy, supplements up the whazzoo,, juicing, fasting, mistletoe IVs, IVC, red light therapy, infrared sauna, homeopathy, you name it I did it.   I had taken an 8 month leave of absence from work while I studied/researched 10 hours a day, watched all the documentaries posted here, including Truth About Cancer Series, went down all the rabbit holes, and did everything possible to strengthen my body towards path of healing.  After all of this and reflecting, I have now concluded that our healing needs to begin with removing our toxin exposures and deficiencies where toxins include emotional toxins and deficiencies include community connection deficiencies.  I know that everyone has their own take on this, and who am I anyway (beyond an "experiencer"), but if anyone finds this messaging to resonate, I would suggest that you pursue working with the amazing team at the New Biology Clinic (newbiologyclinic.com) that was very recently started by Dr Thomas Cowan and focuses on the very basics of what the body needs to heal itself.  This is 100% the first place that I would start should I receive another "diagnosis".  It is seriously affordable, not thousands of dollars that cancer clinics charge (it is also not a "cancer clinic").  and is not simply another take on what supplements, diets, etc to take.  Alternatively, you can start by reading Cancer and the New Biology of water, written by Dr Thomas Cowan to understand the foundational ideas. Mind blowing.  I hope this may help someone!
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If I got the right link, this is episode 121 of Peter Attia’s  podcast “The Drive”.

It’s a discussion between two MDs of contemporary AMA cancer treatment, in addition to some historical perspective.  Rather than one sided or biased, (IMO) it’s an overview between two who understand the complex field.

Worth a listen for those interested in cancer treatment.

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Some of you may find this of worth.  Dr. Paul Marik has done a deep dive into thousands of published studies on cancer and has put together this monograph on the role of repurposed drugs and metabolic interventions which can be found here.

In this video he is talking about the monograph.  In short he is presenting info about things people can do with lifestyle change as well as inexpensive readily available repurposed drugs.   One of the things I found good about his presentation is the explanations he offers about how cancer cells function and the relation of traditional chemotherapy to this.  What is also refreshing is that he is not opposed to traditional medicine, he is/was a highly published critical care physician, but has recently had his eyes opened to conflicts of interest in that system which has caused him to look seriously beyond it as well.

Thekla McDaniels
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Jeanne Wallace wrote:The Nature of Cancer: Cancer, Ecology, Permaculture and Healing (presented for Hawthorn University) https://nutritional-solutions.link/nature_of_cancer

I followed up on this post.  I think it looks reliable and reputable.  Nutrition and an indivialized approach.  Located in the NE quarter of Utah.

I have ordered the book, and look forward to its arrival.  I would seek them out if I developed cancer!
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Jeanne Wallace wrote:

Anne Cline wrote:I am very thankful for all of you who are sending excellent information on alternative options for my cancer.  At this point I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Conventional treatments have failed me. If I don't take my life into my own hands, I will lose my life. Thank you all.

Anne (I sent you a purple mooseage) and any other permies folk facing cancer:
I'm happy to share what I've learned working in this field in translational research and having a clinic serving thousands of cancer patients across the U.S. and abroad for the past 27 years. I'm one of only 3 practitioners who submitted a favorably reviewed Best Case Series of my work (with stage IV brain tumor clients) to the National Cancer Insitute (NCI/NCCAM). They agreed my approach nearly doubled expected survival. Yes, my partner with a GBM IV brain tumor survived 23 years—the doctor's prognosis was 1 year.

I'm not here to sell anything.  I'm here as an advocate: to offer our permies community some tools, dispell some myths (and maybe confirm others!), and serve as a resource.

Many folks facing cancer are on a wild goose chase, searching for "what worked for someone else." But our bodies are individually as unique as our fingerprints. Modern medicine "kills" cancer cells but doesn't touch the terrain: the sick environment within the body and in our modern world.  I teach folks how to discern the underlying root culprits in their biology (and biophysics), how to craft their own plan and assess its efficacy (so they're not "shooting in the dark"). An herb, say for example curcumin (widely studied!),  may be a fabulous help for one individual but do nothing for another. This can be predicted in advance by employing a biomarker-guided selection of therapies. Biomarkers are like doing permaculture site analysis. Taking stock of what parts of your body's innate anticancer and healing wisdom are working well and what areas need attention/solutions.

Some points to ponder:

• Cancer has an (epi)genetic component: but it is not a genetic disease. Many folks with so-called cancer genes never get cancer. The majority of folks with cancer have no genetic mutations.
• Metabolic therapies, like Keto Diets, are useful, but they don't always work and sometimes make things worse {we now know why this is}. Season matters!
• Mitochondria control the fate of the cell, but few folks know the powerful ways to heal mitochondria (it's free and costs nothing).
• Differentiation is a process by which mutated and cancerous cells REVERT back to healthy cells. It's easy to harness.
• Chemotherapy and Radiation therapies kill only rapidly dividing cells—be they neoplastic or healthy. Stem cells are untouched by these treatments; they can repopulate a tumor. Cancer stem cells are easy to address with specific foods.
• Boosting the immune system is often contraindicated because tumors recruit immune cells and train them to foster cancer progression. These recruited cells are called Tumor-Associated Lymphocytes, Tumor-Associated Macrophages, etc. This immune landscape is easy to discover on your routine blood work.
• Research by Dr David Blask's team has shown tumor cells are only "part time" cancers!  At night, when melatonin levels surge, they revert back to healthy phenotypes. If your circadian rhythms are interrupted, or your melatonin production is impaired, you may have full-time cancer cells.
• Those facing cancer tend to curate a huge pile of supplements and herbs. But these are merely "ingredients" and cofactors (i.e., biochemistry). First, you need the ENERGY to heal. An analogy: on the kitchen counter you have an inspiring cookbook with fabulous "recipes" (i.e., the genes) AND a basket of garden-fresh ingredients (nutrients/biochemicals). Moreover, you've built that sweet rocket stove to heat and cook with far less wood and clean-clean combustion (i.e., mitochondria)!  But come back in an hour and, I promise you, these items alone have not cooked your dinner for you. The assembly and delicious transformation is dependent on ENERGY (not just ATP, but biophysics). Healing takes ENERGY, which requires us to be in sync with nature, seasons, magnetism, native EMFs, circadian rhythms, grounding, etc.

Rick Shapiro's book "Hope Never Dies" has an excellent interview with me for anyone who wants to take a Deep Dive into cancer.

This was the post I intended to quote
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Hi. I would like to add books by Bernie Siegel Love, Medicine, and Miracles. Cancer oncologist.
Also, books by Louise L Hay. Oldies but goodies.
Love and healing to you.
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Bloomah Simkin wrote:Hi @Jeanne Wallace

I read your post with interest.
It sounds like you have a balanced view, rather than all the people who swear by some specific natural wondercure just because it worked for their Aunt Mildred (as Paul would say).

I was intrigued by the following 4 bullet points, which allude to some simple soluations but don't tell us what they are.
Can you share more or point us to a reliable resource where we can learn more about what you are referring to?

I greatly prefer if those resources take your balanced tone and are not mostly an anti-big-pharma rant.


Jeanne Wallace wrote:
• Mitochondria control the fate of the cell, but few folks know the powerful ways to heal mitochondria (it's free and costs nothing).
• Differentiation is a process by which mutated and cancerous cells REVERT back to healthy cells. It's easy to harness.
• Chemotherapy and Radiation therapies kill only rapidly dividing cells—be they neoplastic or healthy. Stem cells are untouched by these treatments; they can repopulate a tumor. Cancer stem cells are easy to address with specific foods.
• Boosting the immune system is often contraindicated because tumors recruit immune cells and train them to foster cancer progression. These recruited cells are called Tumor-Associated Lymphocytes, Tumor-Associated Macrophages, etc. This immune landscape is easy to discover on your routine blood work.

Most of what I do is deep translational research: pulling from many diverse fields—biology, biophysics, ecology, permaculture, environmental medicine, chronobiology, epigenetics, bioremediation, TCM, phytomedicine, ethnobotanical traditions, light medicine, functional medicine, wholistic interpretation of lab chemistry...to name a few)—so there is never ONE paper or source. Rather, I enjoy gathering up pearls from a diverse array of sources, tinkering with them until I figure out how they may fit together, then vetting everything in the clinic.

I'm usually cautious about stating "here is the solution" because folks will try to apply it in ways that aren't useful and without wider exploration of the Big Picutre. As an unfortunate byproduct of the current model of industrial medicine, folks have a tendency to learn toward "green allopathy" (i.e., instead of "take this drug for this ailment," there's a lot of "take this drug-alternative for this ailment") and this is not very helpful. That's like learning one permaculture technique, say "swales" and plopping them down everywhere regardless of their suitability for your site.

Cancer cells don't exist in isolation: they are having a constant 2-way communication with the entire body. The terrain in the body can be a good host for cancer growth and progression or it can be unfavorable. Having a robust anticancer environment in the body isn't accomplished with one herb, or a certain diet, or a handful of supplements. There's  no "Magic Bullet" here.

Let me start you on the journey of learning and exploring with some sources to inspire...

Mitochondria control the fate of the cell - discussed widely in the biomedical literature beginning 2012. Maybe start with this paper, see the Figure 1 : Casanova A, et al.  2023 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2023.1114231/full. A pubmed search for keywords "mitochondria AND cell AND fate" will take you down a lovely rabbit hole! But how to optimize your mitochondria? Ari Witten (practitioner, author, and youtube vlogger) has many free videos or take a deeper dive with R.D. Lee's Mitochondriac Manifesto book. The solution is not so much about "supplements" as enjoying a lifetyle close to natural cycles. Mitochondria are SENSORS of light and environment, so being exposed to sunlight in the morning, avoiding excess blue light (from screens, especially in the evening). Eating food IN SEASON is essential (since plants encode season information via phytosynthesis which our mitochondria and suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), "read" and use to regulate our own seasonal programming—think summer vs winter metabolism). Grounding/earthing—bare feet on the earth (or conductive shoes)—so you have plenty of electrons! Nature nourishes mitochondria; technology torments it, to quote the book above. See the sunrise and sunset. Use candles after dark. Avoid LEDs in favor of incandescents. Sleep longer in winter, less in summer (but still 7-8hrs for most). Gradually acclimate your skin to the sun and UV (so you don't burn). Avoid excess omega-6 oils so your skin is less prone to UV damage. Mitochondria grow stronger/replenish when we expose them to stressors (i.e., mitohormesis)...gradually.  Build your tolerance for cold weather. Turn the water cold at the end of the shower. Wash your face with cold water in the morning. Sauna (if you have access).  

Differentiation is an established, not alternative, concept. Evading differentiation is one of the key Hallmarks of Cancer (cool paper by Hanahan & Weinbug, originally published in 2000 and updated 2011 and Nov 2022: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Hallmarks-of-Cancer%3A-New-Dimensions.-Hanahan/d9a0961229e5d1f9d1a09f6511b26c5637752ad2). Fat-soluble vitamins are known to re-differentiate cancer cells (thus, sunlight adequate to pull one's blood level of 25-OH-cholecalciferol to 60-80ng/ml). But of course, never take supplements of vitamin D3 ALONE, which can create functional deficiencies in the other fat soluble vitamins, most notably fat-soluble vitamin K2 (not K1 from plant greens...important distinction). See for example the human clinical trial by Paul Trouillas on redifferentiation therapy of stage IV brain tumor patients for whom standard treatment was ineffective. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11349882. Are you eating enough healthy fat? Is your cholesterol too low (you need it to produce vitamin D)? Are you eating sources of vitamin K2? Did you know there's actually zero vitamin A (retinol) in plant foods? The much-touted conversion of beta carotene to true vitamin A was far overstated and doesn't happen at all in those who are hypothyroid (which is many cancer patients). On the converse, if you're eating ample grains and legumes, you may be exposed to lots of glyphosate, which poisons the body's ability to metabolize/break down vitamin A, leading to retinol toxicity (and functional deficits of vitamins D, K2, E and others). Speaking of vitamin E, the 8 compounds that natures means when She says "vitamin E" (i.e., four tocopherols and four tocotrienols) are also differentiating agents...but if you're only getting alpha-tocopherol, you're depleting/inactivating the others and blocking differentiation.

Stem Cells: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26503998; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34273521 and many many others. Drug companies are looking for the miracle pill to kill stem cells, but why? If you have a healthy terrain (body environment) and aren't messing up your cell-cell communication with gunk (nnEMFs, malillumination, heavy metals, glyphosate, etc.) your stem cells will mature into healthy cells. Eating ample culinary herbs and spices favors healthy stems cell regulation. Smell these to ensure they're still fresh and bioactive!

On Immune cells being recruited and "reprogrammed" (polarized) by tumor cells, and then acting to promote tumor progression, angiogenesis, and metastasis - broadly discussed in papers as "Immune Landscape" (that's a good keyword for searching). Maybe start here with tumor-associated macrophages: Harrington et al., 2019 (awesome graphic showing how this happens!) https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6694/11/8/1182; see also https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7751482 for the concept, then here for how those "recruited" immune cells drive cancer spread: https://jhoonline.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13045-019-0760-3. Then broaden your search to read on Tumor-Associated Lymphocytes (TALs), Tumor-Associated Platelets (TAPs), Tumor-Associated Mast Cells (TAMCs). Biomarkers which measure the Immune Landscape (tumor-recruited cells):  neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), pan-immune-inflammation-index (PIIV) and others... these are widely published to strongly correlate with survival and treatment outcomes.

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For anyone with cancer, you may want to try Hydrogen treatment.  A wonderful company (family business) called Hydrogenie makes them.  gethydrogenie.com.  People have been writing testimonials on cancer cures related to hydrogen gas inhalation.  I am using it to treat other issues (eye problems) but there are many uses.
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I hate these discussions which inevitably lead to anecdotal specific cases where a person used this or that supplement and recovered from ________ fill in the disease.

There is lots of research out there (some better than others) but often that research is protected by paywalls and the normal person often has no easy access. There is little funding for research on Broccoli and misc other home cures, but there is some, also some debunks of ineffective or harmful "natural " cures

I like Dr. Gregger, an md who reviews research and has no profit motive in publishing what he finds. His general conclusions agree with my previous herbal / whole foods studies. A search of his site using the general term "cancer" yields  cancer.

Granted,  this is a lot of material to look at, but refining the search may help with specific concerns. (even some research on Broccoli)

In general I like the treatment approach of strengthening the organs of elimination---bowel and kidneys--followed by the deep tissue cleanses that aid the liver and circulation. Stimulating and fortifying the immune system can also work wonders.     Dr. Christopher products are generally pretty good also Dr. Schulze- Richard Schulze, aka Professor Cayenne ( a popular student of Dr. Christopher).

I don't like the standard medical approaches, although there are some tricks that can make them more effective, specifically- fasting before and during chemo
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As sources for interpretation of current research findings in human physiology there are a couple podcasts I can recommend.  Each is hosted by an educated and articulate midlife adult longevity and health “nut” in good standing in their professional communities.

Rhonda Patrick’s Found my Fitness

Peter Attia’s The Drive

The important compound in broccoli sprouts is sulferophane.  There is research on sulferophane reported and discussed in Found my Fitness.
Jeanne Wallace
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Permaculture Site Analysis of a Cancer Patient

When making plans and dreams about how our life will intersect our living environment (how we can steward our land and be nourished by it), we permies often analyze many factors. We might ask what is the growing/hardiness zone, elevation, solar orientation, how much annual precipitation, where does the water flow, wet spots vs high/dry areas, does the site slope, from which direction comes the most wind and when, what views do we wish to capture/screen, what is the soil like... and many others!

With cancer, we can do the same. And doing so let's us tailor our health/wellness plan to the situation in our body/environment. Below are a few considerations [or see a short 6-min video on this topic: https://nutritional-solutions.link/6min]:

• Is there excess, hidden systemic inflammation? Inflammatory cytokines (eicosanoids, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, etc) send "grow" messages to tumors and many studies show that keeping biomarkers of inflammation—like C-reactive protein—are associated with better response to treatment, more effective immune (and avoidance of immune recruitment, and longer survival.
• Is there a lot of angiogenesis happening? Is the ratio of zinc-to-copper off-kilter (excess copper) such that this development of hundreds/thousands of new blood vessels to feed tumors is likely to happen at an excelerated rate? Is vascular-endothelial growth factor (VEGF) elevated?
• What's happening with metabolism? Is there insulin resistance, a known driver of tumor progression (while also fostering further inflammation and angiogenesis)?
• Is there hypoxia, which turns up the volume on the Warburg effect, speeding glycolysis whereby tumors guzzle sugar/carbohydrates?
• Is there excess viscosity in the blood circulation? The clotty protein, fibrin can be produced by tumors and used to "cloak" themselves so that they hide from immune cell detection. Fibrin also helps cancer cells traveling speedily in the autobahn of the bloodstream stop, stick to the blood vessel wall, and ultimately set up housekeeping in a new location.  This viscosity can be assessed with fibrinogen activity or D-dimer testing.
Apoptosis is "programmed cell death." Housekeeping systems in the body are set up to identify defective cells and "recycle" them. The genes/proteins that carryout this process are dependent upon selenium (example: p53). Restoring selenium when it's deficient can restore p53 function and apoptosis.
Autophagy is another way of recycling worn out or mutated cells. It is turned on during intermittent fasting (such as when we sleep and thereby fast overnight). Are you eating late night snacks and early breakfast such that autophagy is suppressed?
• Is there interruption of circadian cycles and melatonin? More than 3,300 studies have been published on melatonin and cancer, of which 147 are clinical trials.
• Does the system have the ENERGY to do "healing"? Are mitochondria robust? Are they in sync with nature or tortured by technology? Do you have too much exposure to non-native electromagnetic fields (nnEMF), blue light, dirty electricty, lack of grounding, etc., which interfere with healthy cell-to-cell communication? Do you have adequate exposure to sunlight?

Even among folks with the exact same diagnosis, these "site" factors will vary significantly. Consider the 2 hypothetical individuals below:

Site Analysis for PERSON 1: issues with inflammation, angiogenesis, and excess immune (tumor-associated or recruited immune cells)
Site Analysis for PERSON 2: concerns with insulin resistance (blood sugar), viscosity, apoptosis and immune suppression

This means the most clinically-indicated and likely-to-be-beneficial diet, herbs, supplements, lifestyle and self-care strategies for PERSON 1 will be very different than those for PERSON 2 even though they may have the same cancer diagnosis.

What diet is best?
PERSON 1 may do best on an anti-inflammatory diet rich in omega-3 fats and decreasing nut/seed oils (omega-6s) while also increasing the use of culinary herbs/spices (to block NFkB, upstream inflammation "switch").
PERSON 2 is better suited to a low glycemic load diet with careful attention to avoiding foods to which they may be intolerant/allergic.

This "site analysis" also gives you a new way to think about and prioritize supplement choices.

PERSON 1 may thrive with antiinflammatory support (ginger, turmeric/curcumin, quercetin, resveratrol, boswellia, and/or bromelain). Immune boosting support would be contraindicated.
PERSON 2 may thrive with proteolytic enzymes, nattokinase, selenium, vitamin C, mushrooms (PSK, turkey tail, maitake) and blood sugar support (cinnamon, proanthocyanins, gymnema, etc).

How do you know if your plan is helping?
Because you employed assessments to measure each of these metrics, you could repeat test after an interval—say 2-3 months—to ensure any out of range biomarkers are responding to your diet, supplement, herbal, lifestyle approach.

How do you know which natural agents or strategies to select?
I love this question. Intuition often works well for this. Sometimes it's obvious. If a client has excess inflammation, I'd consider which antiinflammatory agents are most evidence-based (see how to search MedLine for this below), are not contraindicated with their treatment/medications AND fits their clinical picture. Example: for a client with a brain tumor and high hsCRP (inflammation marker) and asthma, boswellia/frankincense fits like a glove! This botanical has research on brain tumors and asthma and is known to lower hsCRP.

How to Search for Studies
Head to PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov and do a little foraging!

Search Tips:
Type your cancer, or other word strings, in quotes: i.e., "lung cancer". Without the quotes, it searches for every occurence of the word lung and separately every occurence of cancer!
Use Boolean terms in allcaps: AND, OR, NOT
You can search for variants of words by using an asterisk: so immun* will return studies on immune function, immunotherapy, immunocompetence, etc.
You can search for plant-based medicines using the term angiosperm.  
If you get too many hits, try confining one of your search terms with the modifier [TI] after the keyword, which will only find publication with that word in the TITLE.


  "ovarian cancer" AND (inflam* OR "C-reactive protein")
  "breast cancer" AND apoptosis AND angiosperm
  ("brain tumor" OR glioblastoma) AND angiogenesis AND (diet OR copper OR molybdenum)
  cancer [TI] AND (fibrinogen OR d-dimer) AND (survival OR prognosis OR prognostic OR outcome)    

You can confine your search using filters in the left column, narrowing the years of publication or showing only certain types of studies (clinical trials, case studies, review articles). If you want to learn more about any of the biomarkers I've mentioned above for "site analysis," look for review papers on that topic.

How to get a free full-text copy to read? https://triagecancer.org/seven-ways-to-access-medical-journals-for-free

Still with me?  When you're facing cancer, it can be seriously overwhelming when everyone wants to tell you how their Aunt Gerty beat cancer with "X" or "Y" or "Z"...or when you ask for input and get dozens of different, and sometimes conflicting, suggestions. This brings us to the finale...

How to evaluate whether a natural agent or approach posted on the permies forum "Reports of beating cancer in a week" is well-suited to your needs and likely to benefit you?
1. Learn more about the agent/therapy and what hallmarks of cancer or biomarkers (aka site analysis factor) this agent impacts.
2. Do your own cancer site analysis so you know what terrain factors are relevant for you.
3. Is there a match? Example: If your site analysis shows the biggest concern for you is angiogenesis followed by inflammation, suggestions that impact these terrain factors will be spot on for you to consider further.
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Heavy topic! I'm not sure if my experience is valuable here, or not. I have been, it seems, perpetually surrounded by cancer patients for a long, long time. My grandmother died of cancer, then my grandfather. When my *other* grandmother was diagnosed, I had a chance to intervene. She lived into her 80's and did not die of cancer.

I've been a nutritionist for 13 years, a naturopath for only 7 years, and a farmer for over a decade. I'm not a genius. I find that vaccines, abx, synthetic hormone therapies, joint injections, so-called antiinflammatories, all have negative effects on health and the outcome of animals lives, people's lives, and plants. I have found that massage, chiropractic care, homeopathy, avoiding toxins (including alien EMF), choosing the most appropriate/organic feed possible (for people and animals), and sticking to a yearly, monthly, daily biologically appropriate schedule *prevents* about 99% of illness, cancers, diseases, whathaveyou. These things also go a long way to helping a body that has already been poisoned.

I'm with Dr Cowan on the terrain theory. Virus' don't exist. His work in other areas has proven to be spot-on in my experience as well.

No advice, of course I just think that people tend to over complicate things. It does not help that we've been indoctrinated into one belief system for generations.

To your health!
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Trace Oswald wrote:

paul wheaton wrote:A friend is in stage 4.  ...

In addition to the things mentioned, if I had a friend with cancer, I would send him to this link: My cancer story rocks  In fact, I'm on the protocol myself right now.  The man used a chemical, fenben, in addition to several natural supplements.  I know, it has a chemical in it that people here may not approve of, but if my friend was dying, I would want him to try it (obviously, since I am doing it myself).  The site explains what happened and the process for a man that was written off by the medical establishment, and he is still alive and thriving.

I'll have more to report on my own situation, good or bad, soon enough.

Thought I would just throw this out there in case anyone is searching for alternative cancer protocols.  First, the good news.  I don't have cancer.  Now, the other news.  I damn near destroyed my liver using that protocol.  Here are a couple liver readings:  

Ferritin, S   standard range=31-409 mcg/L        my test=>100000.  My results were higher than the test has the ability to measure
Alkaline Phosphatase, P     standard range=40-129 U/L  Mine=135
ALT standard range=7-55U/L   mine=1311
AST standard range=8-48 U/L  mine=494

Please be careful if you pursue alternative treatments.
Jeanne Wallace
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Trace Oswald wrote:
First, the good news.  I don't have cancer.  Now, the other news.  I damn near destroyed my liver using that protocol.  Here are a couple liver readings:  

Ferritin, S   standard range=31-409 mcg/L        my test=>100000.  My results were higher than the test has the ability to measure

Thanks for sharing this, Trace.
I think your body's reaction to the Tippens protocol (not something I'd advocate or use personally, but just as an example here) is a great reminder how essential it is to have a way to monitor and assess
  [1] your baseline body terrain AND
  [2] how your body is responding once you start any therapy, be that prescription medications, conventional treatment, and/or integrative or alternative therapies!

Some Notes About Adverse Reactions
Each individual can have a completely different reaction to any drug, herbs, supplement. This happens for many reasons, but one in particular has to do with how our body metabolizes the agents in question. Mostly in the liver, and also, to a lesser degree, in most cells and in the microbiome—your body breaks down substances through a pathway called the Cytochrome P450. This is a large group of enzymes identified individually by a naming convention of "number-letter-number." So there's CYP1A1, CYP2A2, CYP3A4, CYP3A5... (and so on). Because your body is as unique as your fingerprint, how your cytochrome enzymes are put together can vary considerably. This is often referred to as a snip (SNP) or polymorphism.

A great number of drugs utilize the CYP3A4 pathway. And it is a common one for SNPs. If your body's CYP3A4 is different, when you take a drug or supplement that depends upon CYP3A4 for its metabolism, detoxification and/or clearance, your result may differ greatly from what others taking this agent experience. Let's do an example, if you have a snip in your 3A4 that slows the metabolism of the drug, it doesn't clear out of your system as expected and can build up to toxic levels, harming the liver (and other organs as well)!

It's also possible that some combinations can cause trouble. Even without a SNP at play, if you take multiple substances that need CYP3A4 (or another pathway), you could overload its capacity and run into trouble. Some herbs and foods can speed up or slow cytochrome pathways too. So, as an example, taking an herb that slows CYP3A4 together with a drug that needs CYP3A4 can lead to similar trouble. {And taking an herb that speeds CYP3A4 with a drug that uses 3A4 could clear that drug out of your system before it has a chance to do its job.}

You can look up which CYP pathway various drugs use on Dr David Flockhart's table: https://drug-interactions.medicine.iu.edu/MainTable.aspx (this is from the Indiana University School of Medicine website). The chart shows substrates (which drugs need each pathway) at the top, then below this charts for INDUCERS of the pathways, and INHIBITORS.

How do you know if you have a SNP? There's testing: it's spendy. By way of "reverse engineering," if you have a reaction to a drug, you might discover which CYP pathway(s) it uses, see link above, then explore the other drugs that use that same pathway. Have you had a reaction to any of the other drugs in that pathway? If so, you might have a SNP in that CYP pathway! And you'll know to be cautious if you are prescribed a new medication that uses this pathway. You can alert your prescriber and/or pharmacist.

Of note: the drug Fenbendazole uses CYP2C19. Some inducers of 2C19 are: D-limonene (in citrus zest), Ginkgo biloba, and Melatonin. Inhibitor is baikal skullcap.

A quick internet search for the drug name and "cytochrome P450" will help you find this kind of information quickly.

Lastly, it's worth noting that the liver uses a TWO STEP process for detoxification. Phase I (this cytochrome pathway) OXIDIZES the drug/agent, which makes the substance more harmful, but also makes it water-soluble so it can be moved out of the system. Then Phase II comes along, wrapping a protein around the oxidized agent, so it can safely be escorted from the body via stools, urine, sweat, and sometimes breath. Not having adequate protein (amino acids) can also hinder detoxification and clearance because it impairs Phase II, the removal of intermediate substrates that are more toxic.

Trace, I hope your ferritin and other markers resolved when you stopped that protocol!
[Thumbnail for sample-cytochrome-P450-search.png]
Trace Oswald
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Jeanne Wallace wrote:...

Trace, I hope your ferritin and other markers resolved when you stopped that protocol!

Really good information Jeanne, thank you.  My other markers did resolve, but it took months.  The liver doc at Mayo in Rochester was pressing for a liver biopsy but I was confident I would recover with time, so I avoided that.  All markers are back to normal now, but it was a scary few months.
Jeanne Wallace
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Trace Oswald wrote: Really good information Jeanne, thank you.  My other markers did resolve, but it took months.  The liver doc at Mayo in Rochester was pressing for a liver biopsy but I was confident I would recover with time, so I avoided that.  All markers are back to normal now, but it was a scary few months.

So glad to hear that!!!
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Anne Cline: The Gerson Therapy has a very high rate of curing so-called 'catastrophic illnesses", including cancers of female reproductive organs. The Gerson Therapy is featured in the films Paul recommended, The Beautiful Truth and the Food Cure. Charlotte Gerson has said, it doesn't matter what kind of cancer you have, all cancer is the same thing -- lack of nutrition and toxicity in the cell. If you handle those, the body will heal itself.  You can contact them and speak to them about your condition. I know this may sound bizarre, it did to me at first too. But my friend, who was a pilot for American and a flight instructor for the Army, cured his cancer by the Gerson Therapy. The doctors gave him a terminal diagnosis, 3 months to live, as he had prostate cancer metastasized to his lymph system. I met him 30 years later and he was well. You can do the Gerson Therapy at home (and if you wish, have a trained Gerson practitioner guide you along, via the internet). Or you could go to one of the two Gerson Clinics in the world for a one-or two week stay. If it was me, I'd get started even if I couldn't do it in full, while working out the details of how to do it either at home or at a clinic.  The people at the Institute are lovely and helpful. There is a network of recovered Gerson patients you could tap into, see the website.  There are videos on the internet of recovered Gerson patients. Here are some, far from all. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfAlWiFzbcjXpvDuAeg_2VYmkwJfAN60j
Gerson Institute  https://gerson.org/how-it-works/
Here is a book by Charlotte Gerson. (Her father Max, developed the therapy).  https://www.amazon.com/Healing-Ovarian-Female-Organ-Cancer/dp/1937920070
Good Luck. There are successful treatments out there. Never give up.
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