Hans Albert Quistorff, LMT projects on permies Hans Massage Qberry Farm magnet therapy gmail hquistorff
When considering a ketogenic diet, proceed carefully and monitor your blood and urine chemistry periodically to see if your important metabolic functions are maintaining themselves well.
Robert Joseph wrote:I have spent over 30 years as a physician who specializes in the supervision of patients who use water-only fasting to deal with chronic disease issues. With water-only fasting, your body uses stored glycogen for fuel for about a day. If still no food is available, then protein is used for fuel for about another day. After that, with still no food available, the body wisely shifts to burning fats for fuel - ketogenesis. Ketogenesis begins after about 48 hours of fasting and continues for the duration of the fast. Metabolic ketogenesis is the body's natural adaptive response to a lack of available food.
The fundamental reason fasting is so supremely helpful for the vast majority of diseases is this: When food is not available, and is not likely to be available for some time, the body must do everything it can to survive. Once ketosis has kicked in, the body is on autopilot regarding its fuel source. Fats will be consumed as long as they are available, which is about 5-6 weeks for the average person. Ideally speaking, in order to survive for as long as possible, all systems, organs, tissues and cells should be in optimal condition. The body must quickly minimize or eliminate any weak links. That way everything can work together, optimally, to give the best chance of long-term survival to get through the current famine. So, the body gets to work, and gets to work intensely, repairing damage, removing obstructions and optimizing functions throughout the body. I have witnessed amazing and miraculous healing occurring right before my eyes on countless occasions. Our bodies are truly fearfully and wonderfully made.
My point with all of this is to demonstrate that the condition of ketosis is indeed proper and laudatory when fasting. It is a most excellent survival strategy built into all mammals. As a side effect fasting greatly helps your body heal itself form all kinds of maladies.
However, artificially creating and maintaining the condition of ketosis through a strict and measured diet for long periods of time is difficult. There are numerous aspects of the ketogenic diet that are hard on the body when sustained for months or years, with a significant amount of science attesting to this. A ketogenic diet has not been a natural long-term diet for human beings until very recently, especially because constantly obtaining such high quantities of healthy fats was always very difficult for our distant ancestors. Even with plentiful food available today, the ketogenic diet is still fairly difficult diet to maintain, and cutting out whole swaths of food categories is tough to handle for most people. Here's one article: https://lifespa.com/10-reasons-not-to-eat-a-ketogenic-diet-long-term/
When considering a ketogenic diet, proceed carefully and monitor your blood and urine chemistry periodically to see if your important metabolic functions are maintaining themselves well.
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Trace Oswald wrote:
Could you explain how the traditional Inuit lived on nearly all meat and fat and were far healthier than people in "civilized areas"? ...
r ranson wrote:I haven't had a lot of success with it fixing the main problem it was supposed to tackle.
I don't think I'm going into a keto state during my fast time. I don't have the symptoms nor the smell.
absolutely - having measurable results before and after are wonderful! Not just Keto but any big change in diet or treatment.
It is necessary, therefore it is possible.
Robert Joseph wrote:
I don't know you health history, ... "There are causes of health and causes of disease. Practice causing health and you will have it. Stop causing disease and it will disappear."
Be careful about the advice of your GP. The vast majority of conventional docs have no clue about fasting, haven't done any fasting themselves, and have no clinical experience with it. If your GP does happen to have some good knowledge and experience with it, great! Best to ask him/her directly about what they know. It's all well and good to read (2nd hand) the science studies about fasting, but there's nothing like doing it yourself and supervising it for hundreds of others to really know what fasting is about.
r ranson wrote:
Robert Joseph wrote:
I don't know you health history, ... "There are causes of health and causes of disease. Practice causing health and you will have it. Stop causing disease and it will disappear."
Yes, it's a very long and complicated history. About 15 years ago, I was told to set my affairs in order by the end of the week, due to an infection. It's in remission now, but it's done a lot of damage. The journey has given me a lot of experience with naturopathic and allopathic medical systems in two countries, and I've seen the extreme ends of good and bad in both those medical styles. What I learned is I need to take the active roll in my own health. Doctors are advisers but it's me who is taking the pills or making the lifestyle change. If their medical advice doesn't fit with my style or I don't understand it, it is up to me to question the doctor and seek a path to health together.
One trick I find really useful is to repeat to the doctor what I understood of the conversation. Not only does this provide an opportunity for them to correct misinterpretation, but it shows them that I actually listened to them! Revolutionary, apparently. My active listening makes them more interested in helping me become healthy because they feel listened to and valued. It's such a simple trick but it's improved the care I've gotten tremendously!
Be careful about the advice of your GP. The vast majority of conventional docs have no clue about fasting, haven't done any fasting themselves, and have no clinical experience with it. If your GP does happen to have some good knowledge and experience with it, great! Best to ask him/her directly about what they know. It's all well and good to read (2nd hand) the science studies about fasting, but there's nothing like doing it yourself and supervising it for hundreds of others to really know what fasting is about.
This is a good point.
GPs have a tough time of it because they have to know enough about every part of the human body and psyche to give a primary diagnosis and get us to the right specialist. They have to be in-depth generalists and it's easy to assume they know everything! The thing is, they are also human and the best ones I've had will admit "I haven't seen that before, but I'll go ask my colleagues in the next room if they have".
I'm very lucky in the way my doctor approaches things - the doctor knows the patients are going to try alternative treatments and doesn't poo poo them, but instead says "that's neat, I don't have any medical reason to say that will work or not, but let's monitor it and make sure it's safe to try that". That's where the doctor first learned about fasting and saw it working for that person. They investigated it, went to some classes, tried it for themselves, and now suggests it in some cases.
Before I started the fasting, my doctor sent me home with the suggestion of some books to get from the library - both for and against - so that I can go into this well informed. I admit, if I hadn't read those books, I probably wouldn't have tried it as it seems crazy and contrary to what I was told by earlier health professionals.
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It is necessary, therefore it is possible.
Julia Winter wrote:My understanding is that it takes 12 hours to burn through your glycogen, and then you start burning fat.
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Burra Maluca wrote:
It always seems to take me three full days, unless I've already been eating fairly low-carb and am doing plenty of exercise.
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Julia Winter wrote:Is that three days of fasting, or three days of low-carb? I think we might be talking about different things.
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Julia Winter wrote:I've been doing short fasts (I eat between 6pm and 9pm most days and have for more than a year) but they aren't water fasts. I allow myself coffee with dairy during the day. It's working well for me.
I'm going to quibble about ketosis. My understanding is that it takes 12 hours to burn through your glycogen, and then you start burning fat.
I really like Dr. Jason Fung on this topic.
Amy Francis wrote:Obviously what was the case may not now be true with better knowledge. At the time i.e. the last century, I read that fasting slowed down the metabolism which put me off continuing (and now I can't fast because I have high blood pressure!)
When I've read accounts of people who have done extended fasts, they do say it gets easier after the third day, so maybe you are talking about fasting? Wow.
Amy Francis wrote:(and now I can't fast because I have high blood pressure!)
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Robert Joseph wrote: Ideally speaking, in order to survive [a fast] for as long as possible, all systems, organs, tissues and cells should be in optimal condition. The body must quickly minimize or eliminate any weak links. That way everything can work together, optimally, to give the best chance of long-term survival to get through the current famine. So, the body gets to work, and gets to work intensely, repairing damage, removing obstructions and optimizing functions throughout the body. I have witnessed amazing and miraculous healing occurring right before my eyes on countless occasions. Our bodies are truly fearfully and wonderfully made.
My point with all of this is to demonstrate that the condition of ketosis is indeed proper and laudatory when fasting. It is a most excellent survival strategy built into all mammals. As a side effect fasting greatly helps your body heal itself form all kinds of maladies.
However, artificially creating and maintaining the condition of ketosis through a strict and measured diet for long periods of time is difficult. There are numerous aspects of the ketogenic diet that are hard on the body when sustained for months or years, with a significant amount of science attesting to this.
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a prolonged ketotic state
The words the doctors used then was ketones (or something that sounded like it) and too many ketones was going to cause him damage to the liver or something.
Hans Albert Quistorff, LMT projects on permies Hans Massage Qberry Farm magnet therapy gmail hquistorff