Day 38
Moving and unsuccessfully attempting to use the
tractor to auger post holes wasted some valuable tractor time, which was slightly frustrating. Later Brian had a look at it and let me know it was the sheer pin on the auger, apparently a fairly easy fix. Of course, I didn't need the tractor anyway. The excavator was right there but it seemed to me like a more precise tool was called for. Eventually we just went medieval on it. Matt and I managed to pick and shovel out a post hole 4'+ deep and then sunk the first of the debris hut's two posts.
The first little seedlings are popping up in those garden beds I planted. An encouraging sign. I'm not sure what this particular growie is yet. Maybe a
pea? Maybe a radish? If I can finish getting this paddock fenced/bermed off soon, hopefully the
deer will let me find out. Either way, I plan on planting tons more seeds in the near future.
The warmer weather and occasional rainstorm is nice. And the pace is picking up, I think.