Day 56
It rained all morning and I didn't make much progress on my debris hut, but lots of other noteworthy things occurred. So a couple weeks back I spilled a bunch of quinoa on the ground, which at the time made me quite distraught, because quinoa isn't cheap. But today I noticed that it's growing! I'm growing quinoa. How about that.
Abe, a
local farmer and friend of
Wheaton Labs, offered to bring a potbelly pig to the upcoming
PDC so that participants will be able to get some
experience butchering. The thing is, the pig will need a place to stay for the week or so between arriving and visiting the big wallow in the sky. I would like that place to be Ava, in order to benefit from the fertilizing, rooting, pond-making, and other work pigs tend to do. So my priorities have shifted once again, and now building a pig-proof paddock before the
PDC is my prime priority. I'm thinking the lowest point on Ava, the southwesternmost corner, adjacent to Avalon, is gonna be Hamelot. James and I started cutting down and limbing up some little saplings for the
fence around Hamelot.
While using a bowsaw, I managed to slice open my thumb. Luckily, wherever one is on the lab, yarrow can be found growing within about a hundred feet. I plucked some leaves, chewed one up and pressed the mush into my wound, then took another leaf and wrapped it around like a bandaid. Within just a minute, the bleeding had stopped entirely. Yarrow is definitely one of my favorite plants.