Day 61
I just want to reiterate how grateful I am to everyone who's been supportive of me on this antventure so far. Whether sending stuff, or sharing knowledge, or just following along and expressing appreciation for my efforts, it means a lot to me, and helps keep me motivated to keep antin' it up out here. Thanks again!
Jesse, the second ant, is apparently on his way here, and he posted some requests in the ant love
thread. So, if anyone reading this was thinking about sending some love, send it his way!
Today I made some more progress on gathering and processing fence materials for Hamelot, and also gathered up a whole bunch of manure-rich
straw mulch from where Tim's cows used to be. James was kind
enough to allow me to load up the somewhat pungent straw in the back of his truck in order to move it over to Téjas. Some of it seems exceptionally juicy and like it will be ideal for gleying ponds, while all of it
should make for awesome mulch. Thanks James!