Day 137
Mixed up another batch and a half of
cob and put it in the roof. It's looking good, I think, and even the largest gaps are filling easily without cob falling through. Another 9 or 10 batches
should do it, but the next step is to haul over some more clayey sand and soak some more cow pies.
Nick, who's back from Alaska with lots of interesting stories about his
experience there, helped me out a bit with the cobbing today. He let me handle the smooshing up the cow pies, though.
After a bit of research, it seems like the niacin in plants is mostly unavailable to ducklings, but that sunflower seeds are a potential source. I think I'll still look into getting either brewer's yeast and/or proper duckling starter, but for now I crushed up some sunflower seeds for them.