Evan, I am so into what you are doing and have been following this thread even though I am basically online for zero minutes per day. I appreciate what you are doing and look forward to meeting.
But I must now correct you and Jocelyn:
I do not do drystack. Certainly, I'm no expert at it.
Yes, I've been trying to come up with a polite way to say that, for days, cause it drove me crazy in the emails...... Dry stone, dry stone masonry, natural stone hardscape, landscaping with stone=cool. Whatevs. Stone artisan, stone guy, stone dude, stone-er. rock knocker=all acceptable. Landscaper, hardscaper, mason, waller even=cool. Dry stack expert however, ooh, a knife in the heart.
Anyway, I shant
censor you, you can call your own work dry stack till the cows come home.
Alright, I'm done.
All the above, intended good naturedly.
Signed, your trusty-dusty, handy-dandy, friendly neighborhood stone guy(tm)