Hey, a little background to this question. I am currently cutting back on my alcohol consumption. No dramatic abjuration of the demon rum, just reducing the number of times I pour booze into a glass out of routine habit, boredom, or actual thirst. I'd rather booze mindfully but perhaps less routinely.
While introspecting about this, I realized that one thing I enjoy about booze is having strong and complex flavors in my beverage. Having a flavorful beverage at hand also helps cuts down on episodes of random snacking. So one of the "things to pour in a glass" substitutes I've taken up is commercial tomato juice, which I have been "jazzing up" a bit with dashes of hot sauce and Worcestershire sauce. (I also cut it by adding about 30% cold filtered
water to my glass, as my palate finds store-shelf-strength stuff too soupy for beverage use.)
This post is to solicit suggestions for other additives and adulterants (mixers) I can stir into my tomato juice to vary or complexify its flavor. When I go to my liquor cabinet, I don't limit myself to one or two standard drinks every time; I mix up something different with every visit. So right now I am trying to figure out what else might be good in a glass of tomato juice, that I haven't thought of yet.
One obvious direction is to mix in other vegetable juices (V-8 tastes better than tomato juice, natch, but it's also twice as expensive.) I do have a juicer but not a lot of surplus in my winter garden, and I can't see buying stuff from a thousand miles away at this time of year just to be juicing it. So, in my mind, adding other vegetable juices is a scheme for the future, when I can juice stuff that I've grown myself. It's also not what's really wanted here, because I'm trying to replace the habit of stepping to my liquor cabinet. So I need suggestions on the level of complexity and time commitment of mixing a cocktail, not projects that would need me to dirty up the kitchen and wash out my juicer.
So let's hear it! How do you like your tomato juice?