Friendly Neighborhood Computer Geek
Silence is Golden
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Daves Hobbit Home Build progress
I don't own the plants, they own me.
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:Agree, handled correctly there would be no waste heat at all.
A boiler is always more efficient, though it may tie you to a pump. I've heard something about thermosiphon setups but don't know much.
An outdoor boiler is something that insurance people understand. These are often tied in to in-floor heating. Or a radiator coil is added to the forced air furnace.
A fully pressurized system will freak them out, though, and they'll ask "where's the engineer's stamp?"
'Theoretically this level of creeping Orwellian dynamics should ramp up our awareness, but what happens instead is that each alert becomes less and less effective because we're incredibly stupid.' - Jerry Holkins
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