It depends on where it is, what type of wound, how bad, what I feel is actually needed, and what I have on hand. I make & keep several different types of remedies in first aid kits in the bathrooms, cars, motorcycles, on the
tractor, in my edc, the goat barn & the
chicken coop (it's walk-in/people sized, with storage space) - all are based on likely injuries for their locations. There is a drawing salve, a salve for open wounds, a salve for deep-tissue problems like sprains, strains, bad bruises, etc. I have plantain & calendula spray for cleaning wounds, yarrow for stopping bleeding... I even have suture needles, scalpels, forceps, super glue (one of my more frequently used items), and other tools. The most important thing though is knowing how & when to use them all - or not to use them, at all.