Anne Miller wrote:Warm salt water gargles and hot lemon tea with honey.
What do you feel caused your sore throat?
If dry air turn on the dehumidifier or if you don't have one boil some water on the store to add some moisture to the air.
I hope you get to feeling better and it is not the start of something worse.
Just to clarify, if the air is dry (typical in winter) you want to turn on a
humidifier. Anne, I'm sure that's what you meant based on the context of everything else you wrote.
I'm just a scrub emt and more than happy to dip into western medicine, but the value of a humidifier can be really pronounced. It won't cure pneumonia but I've seen them be as much or more impactful then the typical run of dxm/guaifenesin. The latter of those, guaifenesin (branded as mucinex or similar) is terrific for liquefying gunk in your lungs/face.