I literally know almost nothing about this subject. I probably
should not be talking... but I am going to anyways. lol
I have been starting to dive into the crypto side of the world lately. I first started investing in that world in early 2017 but have been watching it unfold at a distance since around 2012 or so.
What is awesome about Bitcoin (BTC) is that it does not see or know any borders. The fee is the exact same no matter how far it is sent. For instance, about a few years ago I was reading that someone sent $1million USD of BTC from one wallet to another for $0.40 cents!!! That could have been one guy sending it to himself... or one guy in Montana sending it to some little old lady in the middle of the Congo. That transaction did take the 10 to 20 minutes or so to go through. How much would the fee have been if it were USD??? How long would that have taken??? I have a feeling there would have been many middlemen dipping their hands into that $1mil on its way to the little old lady.
Now BTC has the...
Lightening Network - If one chooses to use that for the transaction... they have instantaneous transactions... but with a higher fee. It may be worth looking into this.
The crypto world has been unfolding at an exponential pace in the last few years. There are Defi tokens (De-Centralized Finance) and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). I have not been able to spend much time on researching these... but they are a new can of worms.
The Defi tokens will likely destroy and replace the banking system at some point. As the people will be able to be their own banks. Loaning out their own currency with interest.
The NFT tokens for now are just tagging things like
art and music for the most part. Tying them to the crypto world. Some things even reward you with currency to hang onto that item. Which is nuts in my opinion... so I have steered clear of such things.
Anyways, NFTs do have a very powerful thing going for them though! I expect that at some point they will be tied to things of The Real. lol For instance....
Imagine if someone were to want to start up a Winery but they didn't have the cash. Instead of taking out a business loan from either a bank or using Defi and having to meet those payments every month (for the next eternity), they instead chose to create a NFT for their new business!!! They can set their own rules within the NFT tokens for those who hold it. Say.... each coin is worth 10 vines... and you will get 5% of said wine made off of those fines for so long as you own the coin. They can even throw in a lot of perks and such... both for themselves and the buyer. I bet that they would be able to sell those tokens for a price that would both buy the vines AND pay for the
land... and overhead costs. Said buyer would get free Wine that would start rolling in after a few years. OR they would then be able to sell the coin at a premium by that point due to the fact the vines are now producing. Most would likely hold the tokens, drink wine for 10 or 20 years for free (while stocking up their private wine cellar), then sell the coin down the road at a premium. It is a win, win, win for everybody.
NFTs would work the same for CSA farmers, land developers, and any other business known to man really.