My journal documenting my time living on the Stone Baerm Homestead in summer 2021:
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
How works:
Jay Angler wrote:Wow! A lot of work, but just think how long it will last.
I can't resist asking - what are you going to grow on it? My bush beans would love it as they keep trying to pretend they're pole beans! I have some tomatoes who would wrap around it too. But what plant would you love to see hugging it?
My journal documenting my time living on the Stone Baerm Homestead in summer 2021:
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Pearl Sutton wrote:Lovely work Cam! Excellent use of scrap!
My journal documenting my time living on the Stone Baerm Homestead in summer 2021:
L. Johnson wrote:Right there with you on lung protection.
A few weeks ago I did some indoor woodworking and thought I was doing alright with the windows open and regularly vacuuming up dust.
Nopers. I got a mild sore throat and possibly minor sinus infection that made me wonder if I had a certain virus until I tested negative.
I'm back to wearing my respirator/mask whenever I do anything that puts out dust/fumes.
My journal documenting my time living on the Stone Baerm Homestead in summer 2021:
I have gone to look for myself. If I should return before I get back, keep me here with this tiny ad:
Learn Permaculture through a little hard work