instruction, regulation, insurance, safety, etc
This badge is about foraging, hunting, trapping, and fishing... with some
forage gardening sprinkled in. Must be wild foods - not gleaning or harvesting from an actively cultivated space.
Apples from a neighbor don’t count here. Apples from a homestead that has been abandoned for at least five years do count. Apples oddly growing in a place where there has never been any cultivation counts too (probably a discarded
apple core
led to the tree). Apples that are the result of forage
gardening count too as long as they aren't in a maintained space (
city park, parking lot border, etc).
Sand badge
Fresh list - harvest one of:
1 lb of small berries (smaller than 5/16" in diameter)
2 lbs of large berries
2 lbs of tubers or roots
2 lbs of mushrooms
20 lbs of nuts (in the shell)
20 lbs of fruit
Dry list - harvest, dry, and store one of the following:
- The same foraged food can not be used for both the Fresh and Dry list
1/2 lb of leaves (mints, ramps, tea fodder, herbs)
1 lb of small berries (smaller than 1/4" in diameter)
2 lbs of large berries
2 lbs of mushrooms
20 lbs of fruit
Make a cup of tea from foraged materials
Prepare a dish using a cup of foraged materials
4 pounds of seed balls/bombs
- at least an inch in diameter, 6 species and at least 4 have to be perennials
Complete two different items from the following list:
Catch and prepare at least one pound of fish
Catch and prepare at least one pound of shellfish
Catch and prepare one wild rabbit
Catch and prepare one squirrel
harvest maple sap and reduce it down to make 1 pint of syrup
- do 2 different BBs from the dry list
- do 2 different BBs from the fresh list
Straw badge
35 points required
Fresh list:
- If you wanted to get the Sand and Straw BBs for tubers you need to forage 22 pounds total
10 lbs of small berries (smaller than 1/4" in diameter) - 4 points
20 lbs of large berries - 4 points
20 lbs of tubers - 4 points
20 lbs of mushrooms - 4 points
200 lbs of nuts (in the shell) - 4 points
200 lbs of fruit - 4 points
Dry list - harvest, dry, and store one of the following:
- The same foraged food can not be used for both the Fresh and Dry list
5 lbs of leaves (mints, ramps, tea fodder, herbs) - 4 points
10 lbs of small berries (smaller than 1/4" in diameter) - 4 points
20 lbs of large berries - 4 points
20 lbs of mushrooms - 4 points
200 lbs of fruit - 4 points
Catch and prepare one grouse - 2 points
Catch and prepare one wild turkey - 2 points
Catch and prepare one wild duck - 2 points
Catch and prepare one wild goose - 2 points
Catch and prepare one medium/large bird not already on this list - 2 points
Catch and prepare one small to medium sized mammal not already in this badge (raccoon, opossum, etc) - 2 points
20 pounds of seed balls/bombs - 4 points
- Unlimited duplication with different species each time
Save seeds from 6 species of wild plants - 2 points
- Unlimited duplication with different species each time
Catch, butcher and preserve at least five pounds of fish(es) or ten pounds of shellfish - 4 points
Catch, butcher and preserve five wild rabbits/squirrels - 4 points
Catch, butcher and preserve one large mammal (deer, pig, elk, antelope, etc) - 8 points
Harvest maple sap and reduce it down to make 1 gallon of syrup - 8 points
Collect 5 pounds of wild honey (without cutting down tree) - 4 points
Guerilla plant 500 woody perennial food seeds or cuttings (not seed bombs) - 8 points
Wood badge
Forage 200,000 calories from at least 10 species
- 6 species of at least 10,000 calories each
- No more than 4 of the 6 can be animal species
- At least half of the calories need to be dried for storage that could last more than a year at room temp - possible twofer with Food Prep and Preservation
10 days eating 90% foraged food
- 90% by calories, a minimum of 1200 calories per day and at least 6 foraged food types per day
- Can include preserved foraged foods and they don't need to be consecutive days
1 mile of trail side forage gardening
- Grow more than 500 plants near a trail and harvest calories from at least 6 different species
Iron badge
Forage 1,600,000 calories from at least 20 species
90 days eating 90% foraged food
- Includes one 30 day stretch and four 7 day stretches
1 mile of extensive trail side forage gardening
- Grow more than 5000 plants, at least 12 species and harvest 50,000 calories from the plantings