I always freeze my tofu, BUT I always cook it down first.
Very low effort, for some REALLY good results!
I buy extra firm, squeeze out what water I can easily, put it into a big
enough pan that I can turn it, add oil and a slosh of soy sauce, then cook it on low for several hours. If I'm doing a big batch, or depending on how low the it is, it might be many hours. Turn it every hour or so, break it up. The idea here is to get it to remove enough water that it quits being mush, and it firms up and becomes a good texture. When it's done, I cool it, and freeze it. A chunk of it in soup or pasta sauce is SO MUCH better than uncooked down tofu. Lots of people who tell me they don't like tofu enjoy it this way.
Worth trying! I do it on a day that I am around enough to turn it every hour or so, other than that, it's a couple minutes to get it going, and a couple of minutes to package for freezing. When I'm low on frozen tofu, I buy 4-6 packages, and do them up, lasts me quite a while.