Zone 8b 16”rainfall
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:To set fruit, a female mulberry tree requires a nearby male tree. You might graft a male branch into the female tree.
Zone 8b 16”rainfall
In modern times the only right way forward is to come back to nature.
Cristobal Cristo wrote:Female trees should still produce fruits, …
If your tree is not setting flowers it's possible you have some deficiency in the soil, boron?
Zone 8b 16”rainfall
Cristobal Cristo wrote:Dalton,
Is your tree a seedling, or it's grafted?
Zone 8b 16”rainfall
Dalton Dycer wrote: The soil is pretty terrible as of yet what plants could I use as green manure to get boron up.
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Dalton Dycer wrote:I’d guess it was a cutting that they rooted. I bought as a 4” pot
Zone 8b 16”rainfall
Dalton Dycer wrote:
Gosh I’d guess it was a cutting that they rooted. I bought as a 4” pot… now it’s about a 4’ wide 4’ tall bush that’s got lots of leaves. It was a little 1 leaf stick when I bought it which is what makes me think clone / cutting rather than seedling.
Zone 6, 45 inches precipitation, hard clay soil
May Lotito wrote:
Dalton Dycer wrote:
Gosh I’d guess it was a cutting that they rooted. I bought as a 4” pot… now it’s about a 4’ wide 4’ tall bush that’s got lots of leaves. It was a little 1 leaf stick when I bought it which is what makes me think clone / cutting rather than seedling.
Your mulberry isn't growing very fast if you got it in 2019. Does it get winter killed at all? My Pakistan mulberry bushes get killed above ground but put back 10 ft of growth every year. I haven't get any flower/fruit but use the abundance of leaves.
My dwarf everbearing mulberry doesn't produce either. Some year it developed catkins in the spring only to be killed by last frost.
Now I just let a couple female wild red mulberries mature. They are cold hardy, carefree and very prolific. The only problem is that the seedlings are sprouting everywhere and hard to get rid off.
Zone 8b 16”rainfall
Dalton Dycer wrote:Yes it dies every year and comes
Back not a tree
Cristobal Cristo wrote:
Dalton Dycer wrote:Yes it dies every year and comes
Back not a tree
So it explains a bit more. What is the lowest temperature you recorded on your property?
In sequim last year we hit all time coldest temperatures for a solid week
At 18 degrees F which is nuts for here usually very temperate microclimate.
I am thinking I may need to build a greenhouse around it if what you’re saying is true about not fruiting on the new growth. Thanks for the tips
Zone 8b 16”rainfall
May Lotito wrote:
My Pakistan mulberry bushes get killed above ground but put back 10 ft of growth every year. I haven't get any flower/fruit but use the abundance of leaves.
Now I just let a couple female wild red mulberries mature. They are cold hardy, carefree and very prolific. The only problem is that the seedlings are sprouting everywhere and hard to get rid off.
Zone 8b 16”rainfall
Cristobal Cristo wrote:The one from the link is listed as Morus alba x rubra and mine from Burnt Ridge nursery is Morus macroura and still costs #30 for a 1/2" caliper tree that grows pretty well on my site. I wonder if these are the same species (just mislabeled).
Regarding your clay soil - most popular fruit trees prefer sandy loams and only few species may be happy in clay.
Maybe you could try to transplant it to a better spot in winter?
Zone 8b 16”rainfall
See Hes wrote:We started for our only Mulberry tree (female) about 50 cuttings and 40 survived.
It's a Turkish breed and has huge fruits (seedless because there is no male around)
If you got cuttings make sure you plant in their dormancy time and cover the pot with a clear plastic hood to keep the inside humidity high.
I usually leave 1 leaf on the top and strip all other nodes..
Zone 8b 16”rainfall
Dalton Dycer wrote:
My plant and location need to be changed I’m thinking greenhouse for it I guess. Also if you need help getting rid of seedlings I’d pay postage lol I’m in sequim WA and always wanted to grow fruiting mulberries!
Zone 6, 45 inches precipitation, hard clay soil
Life on a farm is a school of patience; you can't hurry the crops or make an ox in two days.
Henri Alain
Zone 8b 16”rainfall
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:The dry grass around that tree suggests that it suffers from drought.
Zone 8b 16”rainfall
Zone 6, 45 inches precipitation, hard clay soil
May Lotito wrote:Like others have said, your Pakistan mulberry doesn't look like mine. ……
Here is my tree. I have picked over100 leaves so it looks kind of sparse.
Zone 8b 16”rainfall
May Lotito wrote:Like others have said, your Pakistan mulberry doesn't look like mine.
Here is my tree.
Zone 8b 16”rainfall
Zone 6, 45 inches precipitation, hard clay soil
My tree nursery:
al aric wrote:I'll chime in because I really enjoy growing this particular tree. I've only grown it in very hot (summer) environments (zone 8). Usually 8b. Triple digits are the norm in the summer where I have grown them and they have thrived and fruited. I mention this because there are different types of zone 8 climates with regard the the upper limits of the temperature spectrum. The zone is designated due to the lower limit of the spectrum. I can't say for sure why your tree hasn't fruited because of the numerous potential causes. The video video earlier in this thread was interesting and cause for concern. I just can't help but wonder if the summer heat is enough. Again my response is simply a thought and possibility. Fertilization also comes to mind, particularly Phosphorous (roots and fruits as they say). I hope this helps.
Zone 8b 16”rainfall
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