www.kennedy24.com/environment wrote:We will shift agricultural subsidies so as to encourage regenerative practices. Today, a new generation of farmers and ranchers is building soil, replenishing groundwater, and detoxifying land, all while producing just as much food as conventional farmers and earning a decent livelihood.
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Timothy Norton wrote:He has stated in the past that he would support an abortion ban after the first trimester but then walked it back.
That sounded odd to me. I looked up the source for this, it looks like you found it here on isidewith.com, and they say it comes from this spot in this interview: https://youtu.be/hjqDoPD7AXM?si=_eVP5TbYra_QIVo9&t=860, but I watched the interview and couldn't find him say anything about pre-existing conditions. So.. I dunno.Timothy Norton wrote:He believes health insurers should be able to exclude people with pre-existing conditions but supports a Medicare for all plan along with government regulation of drug pricing.
I tend to agree with him on this - I think the less power the government has to control speech the better, exactly because I don't trust them to decide what should be allowed and what censored.I'm intrigued by his assertion that hate speech should be protected speech because he doesn't trust the government to define what is hate speech. I haven't chewed on this one long enough to form my own opinion on his stance.
Supports banning the usage of "sanctuary cities".
Supports requiring ID for voting. Also supports having to pass a basic test demonstrating basic understanding of politics.
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Christopher Weeks wrote:I like a lot of what Kennedy says and if he weren't burdened by the seeming inability to either determine or tell the truth (I'm not sure which), I think he'd be a great candidate. I'd invite anyone on the fence to follow the citations out of his Wikipedia article (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr.#Anti-vaccine_advocacy_and_conspiracy_theories_on_public_health) and read up.
We know that the rates of these chronic diseases have exploded in the last few decades. We don't know exactly which [combinations] of toxins are responsible for which diseases, but I think it's pretty likely that most of these diseases are due to the plethora of toxic stuff that became pervasive in the last few decades. Vaccines are one of many possible causes, many did and some still do contain mercury. We don't know the degree to which they're a cause. Studies funded by pharma generally say vaccines are safe, and maybe that's true, and, there are many studies independent of pharma funding that show various kinds of negative health outcomes from various vaccines. But any such study showing negative impacts from vaccines appears to immediately be labeled as debunked by the establishment (pharma, government agencies, media, wikipedia). I don't trust these authorities anymore to tell me what is safe, though. These same entities said roundup and ddt were safe, for example.wikipedia wrote:[RFK's] group alleges a large proportion of American children are suffering from conditions as diverse as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, food allergies, cancer, and autoimmune diseases due to exposure to certain chemicals and radiation. Children's Health Defense has blamed and campaigned against vaccines, fluoridation of drinking water, paracetamol (acetaminophen), aluminum, wireless communications, among others.
You're right, he isn't talked about a lot in the media. But clearly more and more people are hearing about him as his polling keeps getting better. That's why I posted here, because I think most of us at permies will choose him at least over trump or biden, once we look at his policies and hear him speak.Timothy Norton wrote:you don't hear him talked about a lot.
Timothy Norton wrote:I wonder if he could put out strong, solid statements of his positions, if he would poll better? He needs to find his footing and be clear when he speaks.
kennedy24.com wrote:We will shift agricultural subsidies so as to encourage regenerative practices. Today, a new generation of farmers and ranchers is building soil, replenishing groundwater, and detoxifying land, all while producing just as much food as conventional farmers and earning a decent livelihood.
We will incentivize the transition of industry to zero-waste cycles and clean energy sources, and forge agreements with other countries to implement these policies throughout the global supply chain. These first two policies will vastly reduce the toxic waste, industrial poisons, and pesticides that make people and ecosystems sick.
We will protect wild lands from further development, by curbing mining, logging, oil drilling, and suburban sprawl. We will become a global advocate for rainforest preservation and marine restoration. We will rethink development policies that promised economic growth while ignoring ecological sustainability, and ended up delivering neither.
We will restore the USDA and the EPA to their proper role of protecting health and the environment. Today, corporate influence has severely compromised these agencies, resulting in a proliferation of highly toxic chemicals in our food, soil, air, and water. It’s time to clean it up!
Philip McGarvey wrote:We know that the rates of these chronic diseases [autism, ADHD, food allergies, cancer, etc] have exploded in the last few decades. We don't know exactly which [combinations] of toxins are responsible for which diseases, but I think it's pretty likely that most of these diseases are due to the plethora of toxic stuff that became pervasive in the last few decades.
Yes, many things have changed, toxins and poisons are just one of many possible culprits, that likely act in combination.Christopher Weeks wrote:Novel and prevalent toxins certainly might be partially to blame. However, the people who have dedicated their lives to studying the issues mostly don't seem to think so. Autism and ADHD mostly seem to be down to diagnostic changes and social acceptance -- what's probably rising is diagnoses, not incidence. Allergies and cancer do both appear to be experiencing a rise in incidence, but it seems to mostly be down to processed foods (which might include the introduction of toxins, for sure, but I bet mostly has to do with removing vital nutrients for purposes of shelf-stability), with sleep deprivation and other social factors carrying some of the weight.
That's fair.Christopher Weeks wrote:And like, I'm just guessing. I don't have a medical degree and while I'm educated and interested in this topic, I'm not an expert. I also don't think that big pharma is motivated out of the goodness of their hearts to take care of us, but most university researchers are trying to do what's right. And exactly because I'm just guessing, I'm not going to stoke the flames of conspiracy with my relatively uneducated guesses. For me to do that would feel deeply irresponsible.
Kelly Craig wrote:I think Kennedy will be a refreshing change from the bought public agents of the FDA, CDC, and others, we suffered.
On matters of poisonous oils and things put into the food supply, he would impose some harsh changes, and they would be good, if left to his own devices (e.g., not able to combine his executive branch functions with legislative branch functions by adding to or taking from the law).
I thought banning smoking in federal buildings was harsh, but never opposed it, knowing it was fair to others who, unlike me, at the time (over twenty years ago), did not smoke. I suspect I'd find myself in the same position were he to strike against certain oils (e.g., Canola oil, cottonseed and soybean oil), margarine and other hydrogenated, heavy in the omega 6, artery clogging garbage, corn syrup, cactus sugars and so on, all known by the more sincere of the food industry to be harmful to our health.
I would hope he'd remember, or learn, people are different. Merely that someone is fat doesn't mean they want to be.
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De-fund the Mosquito Police!
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De-fund the Mosquito Police!
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