How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Mark said, " On the 3-5 Acres of annuals that we do, I do quite a bit of work. In fact most of our fuel expense is because of the stupid annuals... tilling, cultivating, mowing, seeding, etc...
... establish and maintain an acre or three (once upon a time did 12 ac) of winter squash & or green peppers, harvest produce, check to see when crops are ripe,
The only way it will happen is if you DO this.. Start where you are with what you have and keep on planting food systems everywhere you go no matter what... It will only take 15 years. It may "cost" a million bucks to do it, but what are the costs of NOT doing this? I refuse to go along with the destruction of my planet and will do everything I can to turn it around...
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Christopher Weeks wrote:You've already observed that access to woodchips matters in this calculus. But so does access to seed-stock. Quality chestnut and hazelnuts aren't free and when doing STUN, you might want to plant thirty times the number of trees you want. It seems like a tall ask when you're getting started. My approach is to start my own nursery with a little more care and devotion and once I have those trees producing seeds, I'll spread the planting across my acreage with more of a STUN philosophy.
William Bronson wrote:Mulch, then plant.
In my experience,neglect happens, no need to work at it.
pete parker wrote:1 in 30 seems kinda low unless you are working hard to kill them :)
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If you live in a cold climate and on the grid, incandescent light can use less energy than LED. Tiny ad:
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