I made a post a bit ago about building a
solar heated doghouse. After figuring out the money, and more importantly, the time, I decided to go a different direction. I have a warm weather
shelter in the dog kennel area already. The top is 8 feet long, and it's roughly 4' high and 4'wide. It has 3 sides so inside is a nice shady spot where my LDG spends much of the day in summer, and the Presa Canario mostly stays on the roof. Rather than build an entirely new shelter for winter, I surrounded the existing shelter with
straw bales on the top and all sides, save an opening for them to get to the inside. To keep the straw dry and break the wind further, I enclosed the entire thing in a cheap Harbor Freight carport. This house
should stay very warm and it's very pleasant inside. It smells like clean straw and the dogs seem to like it. The Presa still prefers to stay on top right now because the weather has been warm the last couple days, but it is going to be much colder this week. Forecast is for -8 F one night this week. The dogs sleep inside the house when it's very cold, but I don't like them to have to be locked inside all day, so I'm optimistic this house will work well for them.
In the picture with the
LGD inside, you can see light coming in the back of the shelter. I left spaces between the siding boards with an opening at the top for good air flow in the summer. I took the picture with the bales covering that backside removed so there was
enough light to see the dog inside. All sides and the top are enclosed in the finished product.