BRK Post 16
Woke up to snow today, the Tipi was cool but didn't see my breath. I started the day by getting the heater going and warming up breakfast, more tasty rice and eggs with some whole roasted jalapenos.
I walked over to where I think Bella is hiding out and left some food for her, the last bit I left she cleaned the bowl so I left a bit more. With winter still around I bet there isn't a lot of prey.
The snow melted away by 10, but I worked inside this morning repairing a chainsaw. The bar oil stopped pumping even if the reservoir was full. Supposedly you can't repair these saws, no one sells the parts. Cracked it open anyway and pulled out the guts, cleared out the oil lines, vacuumed out the heaps of saw dust and cleaned the air ducts. The hardest part was getting the wires back in place. Works fine now.
Dez and I worked next to each other, comparing notes, he had a saw that would shut off by itself. Looks like his is running now too.
I opened up one of the batteries too. It has a broken catch that is supposed to hold it in the saw. Looks like the best way to fix it is to epoxy the snapped plastic tab but we don't have any epoxy for plastic. It's pretty nasty stuff but the other option is to fabricate something out of metal or find someone to 3D print the whole plastic piece ( I'm open to this ).
Couldn't fix the battery yet but I know how now.
Second part of the day was all Love Shack work.
I worked with Daniel and Nine to hang the crazy heavy door and reinstall the Minne
Mouse heater. And run up and down the hill from the shack to the shop getting tools.
Moving the heater was heavy but went well. We put down a pad of bricks and connected the chimney. Nice and straight forward.
The door was not straight forward. It had to be trimmed several times on the left right and top sides. And held in place while getting marks for hinge placement. At least making jokes about screwing
wood while in the Love Shack kept things light.
So new plan for installing doors... I think from now on we build the door and frame together and install, square, level, and plumb them together instead of messing with putting on hinges while it's shimmed and moving around.
The door catches hard against the bottom right of the step and the hinges don't swing very smoothly. But it works so just a little shaving, putting in a door jamb, and installing a latch and it will be done.
More fun from Montana tomorrow.