BRK Post 10
Got up a little late today and enjoyed some fresh air. Ran some errands in town today. Made some tuna salad for lunches for the week. Sampled some of Matt's excellent
sourdough bread he made, thanks Matt. Sharpened up two hatchets from the shop because they were only good for bashing
wood instead of chopping. I'm hoping to get two sharpened everyday until all of them are sharp. Then I finally got to work on my bow.
I got the face of the belly established, made the bell and back mostly parallel, ground down the knots, and marked the center line with chalk to make sure the tips line up with the center of the handle.
I think at this point I need to order sinew and back the bow with it before getting it to bend. And I need a tillering tree. And find one of the shave horses around here.
I'd like to setup at the Tipi. Making a bow at the Tipi just seems like the right place to work on this.
But I can work on the other staves before I get all of that set up.