C. Letellier wrote:For nearly 20 years I have been expecting makers to begin building building steel mesh into the foam or poison into the foam.
Our friend C. Letelier, just struck the "
common sense" nail on the head! You would think they would do something like that, yet there is so much of what humans do in modern construction that is basically nescient that it doesn't surprise me anymore. I have been harping on this "little gem," for all of those 20 years, here are just some of the "quoted answers" I have gotten from manufactures, builders, and architects:
"We treat the foam to "inhibit" that."
I love it when a manufacture uses the word "inhibit," it is an immediate red flag for me now that something is going on, and they probably don't have a real good way to address it, and/or they don't really feel that by the time it is an issue, it is their problem anymore. Remember folks, most manufactured products only have a 20 year (if that) warranty and that is all most modern construction is really expected to last before major renovations are required...like replacing 50% of your insulative materials. I could write a book on the "Psychology of Architecture" and a full chapter on "human denial syndrome."
"It really isn't that big an issue, and is out weighed by the ease of design. Proper pest control management should address it."
I love this one. Another, "lets pass the problem down the road." It is true, proper pest control and management might address it, but that is much easier said than done in most cases. General pest control is one of the largest issues in architecture, is often done unethically, and has become in some ways another "white elephant" that we just don't want to think about. It is easy to not think about, "wee beasties" crawling through our walls, ceilings, foundations and/or little fungus-molds that live on everything inundating our structures. "Out of sight - Out of mind."
"Not my problem..."
"Can't see it from my house..."
"A Good pest control contract will stop it from happening..."
"I have been using it for 20 years, and I have never seen it happen..."
I love the last one, as it is a common
answer for a lot of what ills modern construction modalities - "they haven't seen it," - which usually means I don't believe you, or "not my problem." Somehow, "not seeing something" (which we usually don't till it is too late) is suppose translate into, "it isn't going to happen."
To respond to comments thus far, and address questions:
None of these species "eat foam" or wood for that matter, (other than termites - and that is an entirely different topic.) These critters are diggers and chewers, some can even dig and chew through many concretes (especially old
concrete and mortar.) Getting through a joint in siding, eave soffit, gable, sill plate, etc. etc. etc. is not an issue for them at all. The timber frame I referenced in my last post was at the corner of both a Flying Squirrel colony, a Flicker territorial boundary and a Red Squirrels "battle zone" with Gray Squirrels. So between the woodpecker using the side of the house as a "sounding drum" (and latter building a "secondary" nest in the stress skin panel) and the Red Squirrels chewing a hole through the soffit, ingress and egress was not an issue at all. Mice and rats both have been observed waiting outside garage and house doors for an opportunity to enter both homes and commercial establishments (like hospitals and restaurants,) coming in and out with the human occupants. Most of our human species is about as "aware" and "observant" as a brick, not to mention our psychological propensity for "denial."
I have used foams when specified in a design, I avoid them when I can, and typically only use urethanes, or "Aircrete" when I do, and I design both mitigation systems and management plans for myself and clients to address these issues. Pretending it doesn't or can't happened is not a plan. Foam is not a better barrier, and in some ways attracts them because it is an optimal nesting material. Yes this can happen in cellulose insulation (not so much with dens-pack that is treated) as well, especially with rodents, and if the insulation gets damp, (which the so often do because of the bloody "plastic wrap" we are throwing up on everything.