Aaron Tusmith wrote:weekly update brings me to one month without smoking. Feeling good about it. I've encountered a few more triggers and stressful situations such as driving long distances but have managed to stay smoke free. Happy Saturday!
Some places need to be wild
Aaron Tusmith wrote:Two months now, almost daily I realize in a new way how much better life is as a non smoker.
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
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However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
Aaron Tusmith wrote:one thing that still helps me is to remember how little of an effect each cigarette had on me. I typically felt worse after each cigarette and I couldn't detect any particular sensation or physical feeling that I enjoyed. All that smoking gave me was a feeling of lethargy and more difficulty in breathing. Towards the end I kept saying to myself "these things don't even do anything!" "they just make me feel worse!". I remember when I very first had a cigarette it gave me a sort of buzz and euphoric/weird feeling, not long after, those sensations went away and the desire to smoke was pretty much a mental thing, an activity I felt I had to note in the log so to speak. Looking back on how pointless an activity it was makes it easier for me to rationalize not smoking anymore. I just began to fail in seeing the point in investing so much in an activity that gave me no pleasure at all, in fact subtracted from it. Either way, you will be so proud of yourself when you don't want them anymore, stay strong, you will love the results!
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