Mimick nature, also when youre in doubt
gardener, homesteader
Gaurī Rasp wrote:This whole thread with fabulous, detailed photos & detailed information is exactly what I needed to read right now because we’re considering building a root cellar here on our North Carolina homestead. Very impressive root cellar/storage/safety shelter spaces! Beautiful design!
One issue here is a very high water table and we’re right on a very active creek. We have concerns that even on our highest ground we’ll hit water pretty quickly when digging the floor of a cellar. Has anyone here built a root cellar under these conditions??? We are mostly wanting our structure to be for food storage - squashes & canning & bulk foods.
Again, very impressed with these cellars you’ve built!
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
Gaurī Rasp wrote: Has anyone here built a root cellar under these conditions???
“Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.”
― Voltaire
Shannon Snow wrote:Thekla McDaniels, . . . .
Robert Marsh, Our house roof, and now the shelter overhang are composite shingle with the highest fire rating available. We have roof sprinklers which we test periodically. In fact, we had a big fire get close last week and were able to go through our whole plan. We had 4 adults, a 4yo, 3 big dogs and a puppy. It was an adventure for sure, but we were able to run through everything without panic and our plan is solid. We didn't need to use the scuba air, and the 3 hours sheltering went fast. (nobody had to pee, but we were prepared for that too) We did this because our only egress was cut off by fire. Otherwise we would have certainly evacuated.
$10.00 is a donation. $1,000 is an investment, $1,000,000 is a purchase.
Cécile Stelzer Johnson wrote:I keep dreaming of a root cellar and it may come true some day. I am very impressed with all the root cellars I see on this thread. In Wisconsin, we can get quite a bit of snow, so any door shy of vertical and we would be hard pressed to open it to go in or out. Building it like a basement must be quite costly. Has anyone had experience sinking a couple of septic tanks and then making them connect?
I was thinking that although the space would be somewhat smaller, having 2 or 3 septic tanks connecting would be better for keeping apples and potatoes separate, for example.
Jesse Glessner wrote:
and then advertise to see if there are LOCAL Root Cellars that you might be able to visit for both viewing the root cellar and talking to the people who use it!
“Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.”
― Voltaire
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection https://permies.com/t/88043/benefits-rainfall-collection
GOOD DEBT/ BAD DEBT https://permies.com/t/179218/mortgages-good-debt-bad-debt
I found some pretty shells, some sea glass and this lovely tiny ad:
Learn Permaculture through a little hard work