Here's the zone map and design plans. I had a general plan in place before taking the course but I found this a good opportunity to touch up the plan and refine things a bit more.
For the main site plan image, I've simply color coded generalized areas since this is more of a broadacre design (have already planted thousands of
trees, shrubs, etc and there's literally tens of thousands more to come!). These are blocks of general "guilds" - really an overarching habitat type in which we're planting practically entire ecologies of flora into our birch/maple/alder/aspen/fir regrowth (site logged with poor practices 8-9 years back). Here are those:
Medium Brown: natural growth woodlands (zone 5)
Dark Green: packed in evergreens (hemlock, blue spruce, cedar, etc) as noise buffer and privacy screening
Light Brown/Tan: annuals production
Dark Brown: Walnut, Black Cherry and Hickory Forest
overstory: Walnut, Hickory, Black Cherry
understory: Hazelnut, Staghorn Sumac, Serviceberry, Eastern Hemlock, Pear,
Black Locust, Beech
vines: Grapes, Morning Glory
shrubs: Hibiscus, Bladdernut, Goumi Berry
herbaceous: Pole Beans, Winter Squash, Feverfew, St John's Wort, Echinacea, Mallow, Elderberry
ground: Peppermint, Lambs Ear, Sweet Cicely, Lobelia, Viola, Comfrey
roots: Beets, Carrots and Parsnips, Onions/Garlic, Wild Ginger, Giant Solomon's Seal, Gentian, Daylilies, Jerusalem Artichoke, Hosta, Ginseng
fungus: Oysters and Shittake, Lions Mane, Reishi,
Chicken of the Woods
Yellow: Oak, Chestnut and Maple Forest
overstory: White and Red Oaks, American Chestnut, Sugar Maple
Apple & Crabapple, Plum, Beech, Black Locust, White & Yellow Birch
Vines: Grapes, Hardy Kiwi, Wild Yam
shrubs: Raspberries, Blackberries, Autumn Olive, Hazelnut, Witch Hazel
herbaceous: Pole Beans, Bush Beans, Snow and Snap Peas, Squashes, Melons, Sunflower, Lambs Quarters, Elderberry
ground: Roman Chamomile, Peppermint, Oregano, Lambs Ear, Clover, Ramps
roots: Burdock, Jerusalem Artichoke, Wild Ginger
fungus: Oysters and Shittake, Hen of the Woods, Wine Caps,
Chicken of the Woods
Orange: Open
Canopy "Fruit Savanna"
Ash, White Oak, Turkish Tree Hazel
understory: Peach, Apricot, Cherry, Plum,
Apple, Black Locust, Mountain Ash, Mulberry
vine: Grape, Dog
Groundnut, Honeysuckle, Morning Glory
shrub: Seaberry, Autumn Olive, Siberian
Pea Shrub, Hawthorn, Nanking Cherry, Cornelian Cherry, Eastern Hemlock, New England Alder
herbaceous: Asparagus, Millet, Amaranth,
Milk Weed, Hollyhocks, Pokeweed, Angelica, Yarrow, St John's Wort, Echinacea
ground: Squashes, Melons, Clover, Comfrey, Grass/Grains Mixes, Plantain
roots: Jerusalem Artichokes, Angelica, Dandelion, Chicory, Lambs Quarters, Yellow Dock
fungus: Oysters and Shittake, Wine Caps
Medium Green: Pine Forest
overstory: Siberian Stone Pine, Eastern White Pine
understory: Beech, Black Locust, Eastern Hemlock, Yellow Birch, Sugar Maple
vine: Wild Yam
shrub: Blueberry, Blackberry
herbaceous: Sweet Woodruff, Bracken & Ostrich Fern, Evening Primrose, Bunchberry,
Stinging Nettle, Partridge Berry, Snowberry, Hosta
ground: Strawberries (wild and cultivated), Cloudberry, Dewberry, Wintergreen, Viola, Cranberry
roots: Daylilies, Giant Solomon's Seal
fungus: Oyster & Shittake
Light Green: (Silvo) Pasture
overstory: White Oak, Redbud
understory: Aspen, New England Alder, Black Locust, Staghorn Sumac, Eastern Hemlock, Apples & Crabapple
shrub: Siberian Pea Shrub, White & Black Willow, Raspberries/Blackberries, Meadowsweet, Rosa Rugosa, Hawthorn
herbaceous: Lambs Quarters, Sunflower, Buckwheat, Amaranth
ground: Tall & Fine Fescue,
Perennial Ryegrass, White & Red Clovers
roots: Turnips, Chicory, Dandelion, Burdock, Jerusalem Artichoke
fungus: Wine Caps
Purple: Willow and Persimmon Wetlands
overstory: Weeping Willow, Persimmon
understory: Pussy & Basket Willow, Cornelian Cherry, White & Yellow Birch
vine: Rose
shrub: Highbush Cranberry, White Willow, Nannyberry, Spicebush, Swamp Rose & Rosa Rugosa, Cramp Bark
herbaceous: Bracken & Ostrich Fern, Boneset, Blue Skullcap, Pickerelweed, Elderberry
ground: Hog Peanut
roots: Wapato, Cattail
fungus: Oyster and Shittake
In and Around Ponds
overstory: White & Weeping Willow
understory: Eastern Hemlock, New England Alder
vine: Grapes, Rose
shrub: Hibiscus, Meadowsweet
herbaceous: Bistort, Cattails, Mallow, Pickerelweed
"ground": Azolla fern, Duckweed
roots: Lotus, Water Lily, Calamus, Wapato
Our current camper-trailer position, is visible as the white block toward the south-west. The brown "winged" shape around the middle-west of the site is the future site of the cabin. The ponds are intended to be stocked with fish at some point and most of the property will be fenced using hedging (willow, hawthorn, hazelnut, rosa rugosa, etc) for rotationally grazed paddocks - goats, sheep and small
cattle plus
I also included the cabin plan I've been working on (site-sourced roundwood timberframe, cobwood, greenroof, offgrid, passive
solar /
RMH intensive, roughly 1500sq ft total), since zone 0 is just as, if not more important, than the rest of the zones. It's already here on permies if you check things out in my
project thread