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K.B. wrote:
Most domesticated rabbits (European type meat rabbits) are Oryctolagus cuniculus, while many wild rabbits (North American cotton tail types) belong to the genus Sylvilagus, so not only are they a difffernt species, but genus as well.
If the farm was in Europe, then yes, the domesticated rabbits could easily interbreed with the wild types. In North America, it would be a... stretch. Won't say impossible, but highly unlikely.
SILVERSEEDS wrote: well a few dozen domesticated rabbits were released into an area with an abundance of foods, and rabbits. then for 2-3 years the wild rabbits had colorings just like the domestic ones and it slowly trailed off..... Wild colorings often being dominate in a species.
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"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
T. Pierce wrote:
i dont believe Salatin claim for a minute. i truly dont believe it takes yrs to get a strain of rabbit that can handle pasture. if he was losing that kinda numbers. than there was more to it than pasture diet. there was disease or something else accounting for this lose. unless there was two rabbits loose and one died.
ive had a few rabbits get loose. some ive turned loose purposely. and ive never ever lost one. when caught back up. they are in as good a shape or better shape than their caged compatriots.
chowan wrote:
yep i tend to agree that they can quickly transition to wild pasture food i do think they can have other problems with going wild though that wild rabbits have adapted to.
im thinking parasites,disease and predation
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
Dave Bennett wrote: Domestic rabbits are all descended from the European Hare.
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"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
"Limitation is the mother of good management", Michael Evanari
Location: Southwestern Oregon (Jackson County), Zone 7
K.B. wrote:
Please post more pics, Burra!![]()
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"Limitation is the mother of good management", Michael Evanari
Location: Southwestern Oregon (Jackson County), Zone 7
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
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"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
Jami McBride wrote:
Any of the items mentioned here would be good for meat rabbits, but as mentioned you want to make sure you feed good veg-protein sources so they put on weight. As for Idaho specifically I could not say.
Side Bar: I used to raise rabbits for meat, but don't any more - I go for fatter cuts of meat. to read more about pour Native American diets when rabbit was the main food source.
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
"When there is no life in the soil it is just dirt."
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Casey Halone wrote:maybe I need to look into getting wild rabbits to hang around my area then? let them do their thing and spread like rabbits? breed with meat rabbits?
Jami McBride wrote:I hope you can grab freshly falling leaves and store them for testing as feed, but my gut says once fallen they will be to dry to interest rabbits. However, I'd love to experiment with picked and stored leaves
Boyd Craven wrote:
Casey Halone wrote:maybe I need to look into getting wild rabbits to hang around my area then? let them do their thing and spread like rabbits? breed with meat rabbits?
Wild rabbits cannot successfully breed with domestic rabbits. Genetically too far apart. They can "practice" all day, but nothing will become of it.
SE, MI, Zone 5b "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
~Thomas Edison
Casey Halone wrote:What about rabbits that are natives? I raise New Zealands and according to the sources I have read they are native to the America's, despite the name.
I have wild brown rabbits in my hop / clover field all that time, and was thinking about trying to catch one and breed it with my stock just for shits and giggles.
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