The wishbone never could replace the backbone.
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Terri Matthews wrote:when I die, my home and land will be sold because nobody will want to care for an acre of land, and my family will use their inheritance to fund their OWN dreams
Tune in to Maple Grove Productions for homesteading videos, a weekly VLOG, documentaries, permie spotlights and more!
Greg Mamishian wrote:I watched your latest video and found the introductory audio and mildly irritating flickering graphics didn't seem to match the mood of the content very well.
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Matt Leger wrote:
Well said, Terri. I struggle with that idea a lot. Even though I'm just getting started, I feel a deep need for it all to MEAN something and be worthwhile, not only in my lifetime but future lives, beit my family or not.
"But if it's true that the only person over whom I have control of actions is myself, then it does matter what I do. It may not matter a jot to the world at large, but it matters to me." - John Seymour
Nina Jay wrote:It can be difficult to find like minded friends in real life, that has been my experience too. However, I have found people nearby who share some parts of what I'm interested in, and that is something. For example, people who like cooking or crafts, entrepreneurs, conventional dairy farmers, people who are active in some social cause. I can discuss some aspects of what we do on our farm with each of these neighbours and that's great. None of them really gets "the big picture" but that's why I'm here on Permies
My online educational sites:
Nina Jay wrote:Our extended family members are the ones least enthusiastic about what we do. They tend to focus on the downsides and the list of their worries is endless...
Tune in to Maple Grove Productions for homesteading videos, a weekly VLOG, documentaries, permie spotlights and more!
Lucrecia Anderson wrote:If you view it as a global information depository instead of a popularity contest (aka a cult of personality) you won't be disappointed by the lack of views, but you will occasionally be pleasantly surprised by the number of views.
Tune in to Maple Grove Productions for homesteading videos, a weekly VLOG, documentaries, permie spotlights and more!
"But if it's true that the only person over whom I have control of actions is myself, then it does matter what I do. It may not matter a jot to the world at large, but it matters to me." - John Seymour
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:
Matt: You might consider signing up for a booth at your local farmer's market. Take some veggies. Talk with the people there about your methods and ideas. The best resume and marketing for a grower, is a table full of healthy, beautiful vegetables.
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:
You write: "The problem is I can't seem to get anyone to take interest in anything I do." Wow!!! That is pretty absolutist language. Is it always true?
"But if it's true that the only person over whom I have control of actions is myself, then it does matter what I do. It may not matter a jot to the world at large, but it matters to me." - John Seymour
Nina Jay wrote:a very minor detail: not wearing sunglasses
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:Wow!!! That is pretty absolutist language. Is it always true?
Tune in to Maple Grove Productions for homesteading videos, a weekly VLOG, documentaries, permie spotlights and more!
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:No matter how bright the sunlight. My first priority at market is to connect with people, eye-to-eye.
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:when it veers into "any", "always", "never", "nobody"
Tune in to Maple Grove Productions for homesteading videos, a weekly VLOG, documentaries, permie spotlights and more!
"But if it's true that the only person over whom I have control of actions is myself, then it does matter what I do. It may not matter a jot to the world at large, but it matters to me." - John Seymour
Nina Jay wrote:the market place... can feel scary at first. Me and my husband are both introverts, but we manage... It's a curious mix of feeling both energized and exhausted at the same time.
Sonja Draven wrote:In general, I want my information from someone who barely has the time to make the video or post because they are so passionate about DOING what they are doing...
Tune in to Maple Grove Productions for homesteading videos, a weekly VLOG, documentaries, permie spotlights and more!
Morfydd St. Clair wrote:Nina Jay said: "On the topic of being an introvert at the market place: it can feel scary at first. Me and my husband are both introverts, but we manage We manage it about once a month, that is. To do it every day is a job for an extrovert, I think."
I definitely like the advice to know the details well in advance! Starting the day well-organized and feeling on top of things can only help.
I know that if I have a canned speech and/or set of responses to FAQs, I can fake extroversion really well. First, because I can start with them, and then move on to more individualized outreach. Second, I can put myself into kind of a role - in your case, of "farmer", or "educator", etc. Then I'm less worried about what the person thinks of *me* and can more objectively work on improving the role, and thus the outreach. (Yes, there are authenticity issues that could arise - ymmv.)
So maybe having a factsheet available to give out + in your head, about your farm, about how you're growing, about specific interesting produce... could help give you a few prompts + starter confidence?
Tune in to Maple Grove Productions for homesteading videos, a weekly VLOG, documentaries, permie spotlights and more!
Tune in to Maple Grove Productions for homesteading videos, a weekly VLOG, documentaries, permie spotlights and more!
"Also, just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them" (Luke 6:31)
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