I just came from the plot and l feel very lucky. I could not go to the plot for the past 3 days and l had been going almost on daily basis, except for Sundays. I was a little worried, something at the back of my mind has made me believe that for things to work l need to show up every day, though l trust the family that's staying at the plot.
I am not gifted with the ability to delegate, it is a skill l am learning to master. So with work that needs to be done in the field, we kind of just talk casually about our wishes and through this we get things done. When l got to the plot, every single thing we had talked about was done to perfection. This family is certainly not doing all of this for the money (this l know for sure) or out of fear. I believe there are two things that are usually worthless that we invested in, that is, building a relationship with this family and also building hope. Instead of only money being an incentive these two things are making this family stay with me.
A few months ago, they proposed we
sell airtime (money for making calls on mobile phones) to help stabilize things. Because I am desperate to keep them l was open to trying out small little projects just to have additional income for them and for me. This
project has given us only about $16 US equivalent in the last two months. So in terms of monetary value it's close to valueless but when we split this, l managed to buy a
bucket of maize, which covers this family's mealie meal requirements for close to 3/4 of the month and the icing on the cake is with their share they bought tomatoes for re-selling while at home (i.e. at the plot). This is an amazing opportunity for me, they are increasing their own income while staying at our place and when we talked about how their small business is a 'customer' for the products we sell, for they can buy all the products we grow at whole sell price, they are so charged up, they want more production because the more products we have from the field, means the more they will have for their stall so it's a win win, they are giving the plot the time to develop.
I like the fact that it's not just money that is acting as an incentive and there's a chance that we both might just benefit from our relationship.