In the process of coming up with our wishes, there is one particular night that stands out. We had been going back and forth about why we needed to write our long term plans and break them down until we got to what tasks we prioritize in a day. There were times when it seemed like I was criticizing how we do things and it created an almost ugly environment, but there is something about love, it always calms things down. Even if, mother did not quite understand what I was trying to get at exactly, she wrote down her to do list and I was so glad when she gave me the paper. I had not wanted to give my written goal yet for the fear of clouding or biasing what she already had in her mind.
The list had things she intended to replace, bills she need to pay ...etc. It was still not quite what I was looking for. Instead of short term tasks, I wanted the reason why she felt she needed to do all those things. It felt like I was pushing her too much, and I
should settle for the things we had so far. But if I did, what then, who was I doing a favor? Then I thought of a brilliant analogy of something we do often, i.e, going to town.Always, before we leave for town, we already know what our destination is, that way we never mistaken any other place we stop by for our actual destination. She even helped draw the route with all the bends, turns and stuff that we pass along the way. We might plan to use different routes or stop by a person's place but we always know where we want to end up. So all the short term tasks are like the turns and bends and stops along the way, the important thing to now is the main reason why we are on the journey. I also thought it was time to show my long term wish, with the broken down to activities I thought were a priority, governing what choice I make and what activity I choose to do daily. Some time passed and one night when we sat watching a movie, she was busy scribbling things and later on she just looked at me and said, "You seem to be crazy about things written in a flow diagram, I have something for you". I reached out, and there it was, her ultimate wish and other things linked to it, showing how she wishes to reach this aim. I was speechless and so
happy (
well, my long term wish is the easiest to achieve, I get pieces of it constantly). From this we worked on both our goals clarifying them more, making them less general until we came up with two separate daily schedules.