I continued with planning and still using others' experiences to introspect. I talked to my uncle from Hurungwe whose path in life is similar to mine and has been working on his homestead for the past 28 years. I wanted to understand his planning and also share some of the ideas I am picking up along the way. The same questions I keep asking myself are the questions I posed to him, with regards to his projects:
1) What are you doing?
2) Why are you working on your
I noticed that in his answers, we had the same approach and his reasoning was very much like mine especially before the experiences I am having including the self awareness program and things I read about. An example is
the answer to the second question, why?, the initial reason was " to alert people on the importance and availability of natural resources in the betterment of our lives."
Taking from my new knowledge of, " you as an individual are the center of your universe and if you do right by you and everyone else does so for themselves within their capacities, respecting other people's spaces, we can create a much stable place quicker." I tried to have my uncle bring his goals to his personal benefit first and if he achieves to make the quality of his life improve, he will have a better shot at achieving the goal of influencing others. We ended up with two short and brief answers
1)What - Developing a productive garden
2)Why - To help secure food and income for my family.
From this it helped have him also state his short term tangible milestones which he can check along the way.
Tashinga my cousin was listening to my phone conversation and she asked if she could write down her ideas for her home garden for when she goes back home. Her interest has been developing from not really wanting
gardening to eargerly waiting for when she goes home to redo some bits of their garden. She will be going to boarding school so I always welcome an interest in gardening but I don't think I have been giving her that much attention on this issue because at the back of my mind I was thinking that she will just have all this eroded away when she gets back and goes to school. When she asked if she could write down things for me to see I could see she was serious. I showed her how writing a vision keeps one on track. I took out what I drew during my
PDC 5 or 6 years back and though ideas were changing a little bit there was a core/ backbone to my vision of our plot that I was not changing. I also showed her images online of beautiful garden designs and had her pick out what she looks at as beautiful visually to keep her excited and open up her mind to garden ideas. She wrote down her goals and drew a visual image of what she wants to do, I was so impressed.
On a different note I am getting more and more worried about the Gigatonne challenge. I haven't heard any response from the facilitators since October and I would be gutted if we don't make it to level 3. People worked so hard at this and I gave close to a year's time and resources in bringing everything together. The sacrifices that people made to take part in this was so much, but I think sometimes it's easier to believe in a person who executes a task easily and fast (meaning they already have a system set up), but this kind of means those who are developing a system will never have a chance, and why I invested in the Gigatonne challenge so much is that their white paper showed how their
carbon emissions reduction strategy was going to include everyone who was willing to put in the effort and to a certain extent it was making everyone account for their daily actions with respect to the climate change crisis. It was bringing this crisis to the grassroot level.