Rufaro, that's a big shame! I believe every extreme soil type or climate
should have their own seed developed especially for that soil type and climate. It used to be in Europe farmers would exchange seeds. I would really have expected that still to be widely used in rural Africa, of which i apparently know little.
The exchanges from farmers only happened with varieties that did well in the area, and because there where different varieties doing the rounds, they would freely cross and over time their offspring would get better and better adapted to the
local circumstances. But then moodern agriculture took over, the Green Revolution, as they call it! It really was the chemical revolution and man thought we could change the soil, but we made it worse. And modern varieties need more protection then ever, more expensive inputs. You nicely work your way around it being a
permaculture farmer. Doing well.
If we get some good results in arid areas, wiyh our breeder group, would you be interested in trying to grow out some? Just a few, to see how they do? If the post system will allow..I will tell you if i come across an African source of biological seeds. I only know in South Africa, but they were very much based on Swiss or French seeds, which is very different, although it seems to work.