I had my eyes wide open and my heart skipping a bit when I read "solar cooking", I will explain why after I answer the question.
We have seen houses having solar panels being installed, so yes there are some people using solar
energy, the only thing that could be slowing the use of these in the majority of homes is their initial installation cost. I have seen a cone shaped silver thing at a friend's house ( soft foot alliance guys), which they explained as a solar cooker, but I do not remember seeing when they cook with it. Outside these examples I have not seen any other kind of solar cooking.
I have been thinking of a possibility of having trees being grown in my community, including in public places, of
course this is something beyond me but there is no harm in dreaming. So, one or two days before you sent that message, I had shared with a friend, this idea which I have had for sometime now. Of having a competition through the
city council of tree growing 'cacti in public places as these will not be cut down for anything and after researching on whether they can be effective in cooling the place and have some significant evapo-transpiration capacity, then other trees in personal yards as they can be protected better. The competition will have a good enough price as an incentive, which will be given after say maybe a year when the one person with the most number of surviving trees wins the contest. After this, the trees won't even need attention. During the year or whatever period, there will be meetings, maybe some lunch will be provided to the competitors, this is an incentive that I think can steal so many hearts away it will keep them interested and it is a short term thing to look forward to. During these meetings a more detailed education on trees and their impact can then be given. So at the end of the year we have trees,possibly a greater appreciation of their value, and with the introduction of rocket stoves, we could slow down the current cutting down of trees. This I call the start of growing back rain in our place. When you sent that message, it was when the thing filling my brain was, what if the electricity situation takes long to resolve, how do we tackle the
root cause of why trees are being cut, a less expensive way of completely getting rid of cooking using firewood and I saw that, "solar cooking", for a moment I forgot about solar panels and saw an option as potentially accessible as the rocket stoves.