Yeah, Jeff, I like your plan better. I WANT to become one with the earth again, not be cremated, not embalmed. I have loved the soil so much in my life, loved the life all around me.
What I think is important about this is that people UNlike me are starting to talk about options other than cremation or embalming with extravagant coffin, expensive real estate. That's what it will take to release the industry's "death grip" on that grief torn phase of our lives when we lose someone we love. It begins a conversation that does not require everyone to follow that wasteful pathway that seeks to sequester our human remains, hold them separate for all eternity. The mushroom suit is expensive, that gives someone else, or the progressive undertaker, an opportunity to make a
profit. When someone is going to be making a profit, the doors often open wide
enough for some of us "odd balls" to get through with our "frightening" beliefs, desires, practices.
As long as some "progressive" politician doesn't get it into his head to create legislation that says we must all buy one form or another of the undertaking industry's line of products, it will be an improvement. The "green" cemetery concept is new, and there are few. Without those, we're forced in to some thing.
There is another TED talk that proposes some kind of direct composting process, complete with rituals surrounding putting the body in the vat. I can't remember the name of it.
I can say this though, dead bodies are controlled substances. They can only be released to non-undertakers under special circumstances, and if someone dies at home, again, someone official is supposed to certify cause of death, and then don't you know it, those "authorities and regulators" become very interested in what happens to that formerly living human body. One benefit of the myco-suit, is that if regulators come to understand the function of it, then there is a better chance that when I die, my kids can put me in the mushroom suit and bring me home to cover with wood chips.
Another idea of one of my offspring: "We can tie balloons to your hands and rocks to your feet, and throw you in the ocean. It will look like you are dancing!". I don't think she thought that all the way through. I live more than 1000 miles from any ocean, whats left of me would have to be transported across state lines, and someone would have to find an ocean going craft, and worthy crew to get out beyond US waters. It could be a great party, but it's their problem, not mine. My parents are all taken care of. The only way I'll have to face the puzzle of what to do with a dead body, is if one of my children dies before I do. The co-parent will be the most difficult to deal with but having dealt with him, I'll be the perfect prey for the undertaking industry. Grief strickened, not thinking clearly, and just needing a clear pathway, so I can get to the point of sitting down alone with my grief until I feel able to go on. The fully legal mushroom suit and a place to plant it, would provide that.
I'll be sure to remember the wood chips. If you want, and you're looking for a place, you can share the hole.