I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
amarynth leroux wrote:Really nice Travis. We follow about the same procedure sometimes varying what we make the tea out of. Sometimes, we make it out of our own compost.
I was always wondering what the real function is of a bubbler?
Why do we do that? We don't have that, and just make the brew or tea in 5 gal buckets and stir it so now and again. It seems to work for us, but now you've got me asking the question.
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
amarynth leroux wrote:Thanks Travis, yes, water ... I'm fairly up to date with water (Dancing with Water, Pangman) and the other research in the field of water, as well as its magical qualities, structuring and the work of Victor Schauberger and later researchers. Like I see you can, I can just continue on for hours simply on water. Perhaps I should have mentioned that we do use triskelions, (copper triple spirals) on all our water and it is always always structured. (grins). Just a little woo woo this morning.
Thanks, I understand better why the bubbling.
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
This is all just my opinion based on a flawed memory
Andrew Mateskon wrote:I've got a combination airstone vortex brewer. It works like this, I have a sidearm connected to a 55 gal bucket, and an airstone in the bottom of the sidearm. Water flows into the bottom of the sidearm, and gets lifted with the air through the sidearm and back into the top of the barrel. I can direct the flow of this water, as well as the intake on the bottom, si that a light vortex forms. I haven't had any issues with anaerobic conditions, but I haven't tried to take it to 72 hours yet, either. I'll try it this spring. The airlift is a great design element, much better than just an airstone in the bottom of a bucket.
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Hans Albert Quistorff, LMT projects on permies Hans Massage Qberry Farm magnet therapy gmail hquistorff
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Roberto pokachinni wrote:I have done some research of this topic in the past, and do like the book Teaming with Microbes a lot, but I have not made Actively Aerated Compost Tea yet on my own. My only experience with doing so was at a Permablitz instructed by Javan Bernakevitch of Permaculture B.C., and Gord Heibert of Element Eco-Design. The system they used bubbled furiously with a high volume high powered pump. It was not at all like the video Hans posted. I do like the idea of the compost still in the bin being used. That's cool; however Gord and Javan did indicate that it was best to use compost that had gone through the full compost process. The video that Hans posted reminds me of the biomeiler in this permies link
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
Ryan Lenz wrote:I'm trying to understand why the brew goes anaerobic after 2-3 days....its still being aerated, correct?
Wondering if the sugar is depleted so lots of those aerobics that enjoyed eating it so much just die off, and the decomposition of their cells overwhelms the oxygen availability? Looking for a mechanism.
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
Travis Schulert wrote:I have both Teaming with Microbes, and Teaming With Nutrients. Both must haves for anybodies collection.
Andrew Mateskon wrote:A lot of what I know comes from this website, a good resource.
Microbe Organics
I am the founder of Great Lakes Permadynamics, Follow along to see what we are up to this week!Our Website! Discover Permadynamics My Episode with Diego Footer From The Permaculture Voices Podcast. If you want to help us out, follow us and like us on social media, THANK YOU! Facebook Twitter Instagram Check out some of my threads! Horrors of Sheet Mulch My Tiny Home Quitting the Rat Race With No Savings Our Homestead Compost Tea Made Easy
Check out Redhawk's soil series: https://permies.com/wiki/redhawk-soil
Eric Fisher MSc BSc (Hons) Author of 'Compost Teas for the Organic Grower' Permanent Publications : https://shop.permaculture.co.uk/compost-teas-for-the-organic-grower.html
Compost Teas Wiki : https://permies.com/wiki/116744/Compost-Teas-Eric-Fisher Order USA : https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/compost-teas-for-the-organic-grower/st-Teas-Eric-Fisher
Living free starts with understanding ones own emotions and emotion affects and controls us.
Check out Redhawk's soil series: https://permies.com/wiki/redhawk-soil
Creating edible biodiversity and embracing everlasting abundance.
Check out Redhawk's soil series: https://permies.com/wiki/redhawk-soil
Creating edible biodiversity and embracing everlasting abundance.
If a regular clown is funny, then a larger clown would be funnier. Math. Verified by this tiny ad:
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