First, the land looks awesome. Congrats.
My questions:
Why can't the cabins be lived in? That seems REALLY suspect to me.
I'd be VERY suspect about ANYTHING "officials" tell you. While some can be great, and reasonable, I've found in some municipalities, they often flat out lie. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!
If those cabins were permitted, (way back when), before CofO's were required, there it's likely that there is NOTHING the county can do to prevent you from living in it. It would be "grandfathered" in.
I discovered this when i bought my tiny house here in LA county. My place DID have some unpermitted stuff on it, but the original cottage from 1937 WAS permitted.
I got copies of the permit from a permit search service, but when i asked the officials at Building and Safety, they claimed "nothing was permitted and everything had to be bulldozed to the ground". They insisted that was the case... until I produced the permit from 1937 for the cottage. WHICH, it turns out, they had a copy of in their file... in fact, it was the VERY FIRST piece of paper they had on the very top of the file. When I pointed out that they had just committed an act of fraud, and since two of them did it together, it now would be legally classified as a conspiracy, they began quickly backpedaling.
Next claim, was that I didn't have a septic permit. But in 1937, one permit was all that was needed, and since the house permit clearly showed bathroom, as far as I was concerned, that was
Then they claimed there was no CofO. Again, I pointed out in 1937, that wasn't required.
They went round and round, and at one point, even claimed "grandfathering doesn't exist." I replied, "funny, the lawyer I spoke to tells me he's sued you guys numerous times over this, and won every time..." They stammered, and finally admitted that they lose every case involving "grandfather" issues, but as far as "they are concerned" grandfathering doesn't exist, even if the courts say it does. (YEAH, they actually said that... )
The inspector actually said, "Well, your permit is only for a 240 square foot house, do you want to live in that?" I replied, "it's none of your damn business what size house I want to live in." Her boss turned to her and said, "he's right. You can go now..." and he chased her off.
He and I went round and round, and eventually, they realized I would be far more trouble and take far more time than they wanted to invest, and they simply disappeared. That was 5 years ago, and I've never heard from them since.
As I've done with EVERY property I own, I fenced, gated, and locked the property down, along with very strongly worded no-tresspassing signs from NARLO... (google it. Their no trespassing signs are great.)
In doing so, I've NEVER had a problem.
NO OFFICIAL has a right to enter your property unless one of three things exist:
1) It is a dire immediate impending emergency, (i.e., your house is on fire)
2) You let them
3) They have a search warrant as prescribed by the constitution of the USA. Warrants are issued for CRIMINAL matters, not so much for code enforcement issues, but that is changing in some areas.
Officials will often coerce, trick, or try to get you to let them on the site. DON'T DO IT. They may threaten to come back with a warrant. Tell them that's fine, they can do that.
I've also found that WHEN they show up, I pull out my phone and start recording, and I tell them I'm doing so. They NEVER want to be filmed, because then there is a record of what's been discussed, and they cannot deny it later. Often the "co-ercive tactics they use suddenly stop when faced with a camera." The usual response is, "can you turn that off, we just want to talk to you."
I always reply, "at the advice of my attorney, I don't talk to anyone unless there's a record of it so we can be clear on what's been discussed and agreed upon." I also insist they put any inquiries in WRITING. AGAIN, they don't want to do that because it leaves a paper trail, and they can then be held accountable.
One time, I got an email from a building official who wanted to "set up a meeting" at another property I owned and had an open permit on to discuss what was going on. I asked "who would be at this meeting?"
He replied, "someone from zoning, a grading person, the
local inspector, the head inspector, and possibly a few others." (they were upset that the
project wasn't moving 'fast enough' for them... even though I had adhered to every single code, there were no complaints, and everything was being done properly... they just didn't like that it wasn't moving fast enough for THEM.
I wrote back, "that's fine. I need a complete list of WHO exactly will be there, and each and every one of them should come knowing that I, at the advice of my attorney, will be recording the meeting both audio, and visually, so there is no confusion later on what's been discussed and agreed upon. Every official will need to confirm, via email, that they understand they will be recorded and agree to that."
It wasn't 3 minutes later that I got the following reply: "No need to have a meeting. Continue as you are."
And I've got even MORE stories of officials pulling this type of stuff. It's not just Building and Safety either. Animal Control, Zoning, and many others all use similar coercive and dishonest tactics in the pursuit of levying fines and fees. If you know your rights as a land owner, they often disappear.
Let me be clear. I'm NOT advocating doing things one shouldn't be doing, or breaking codes, or being flagrant about it. That WILL get you in trouble.
I AM saying you often CANNOT trust what government officials tell you, and doing your own homework, and knowing your rights is a VERY important part of land ownership.