Jennifer Richardson wrote:I spent my spare minutes over the last couple days crocheting a pot holder for the door of the rocket cooktop, which we have discovered gets quite hot. I used some gorgeous naturally-dyed yarn that Judith Browning very kindly sent to Wheaton Labs, which Paul & Jocelyn were sweet enough to allow me to use. Unfortunately, the door got a lot hotter than expected, and charred the potholder almost instantaneously! Luckily, the charring was on the wrong side, so the right side (the “front”) still looks good, and can be used for actual pot handles. I may need welding gloves for the door!
Jennifer Richardson wrote:Nicole, I think it actually was wool that burnt! I was really surprised. I did not felt it, though—I’ll have to give that a shot.
That is definitely wool and that stove must have been really really hot to char it! Wool is self extinguishing but will char if the heat source is hot enough...and will smell like burning hair.
I would try what Nicole suggested and make large and shrink. I felted a hat out of that same yarn and it came out very thick and way smaller than I intended
I guess that wouldn't help with the charring though? just protect your hand more....
Beautiful crocheting!
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young