Tuesday: Morning fire in Abbey; no fire at lunch (working) or evening (Taco Tuesday at basecamp).
Wednesday: Fire for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Thursday: Fire at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Friday: Fire for breakfast. No fire for lunch. Longer fire after lunch while working on Abbey to provide workers with tea and counteract the effects of having the door open for four hours to run the extension cord for tools. Fire at dinner.
Saturday: No fire until dinner. Slaughtered and processed sheep all day and then went to Missoula to buy a sink for the Abbey.
Sunday: Fire at breakfast. Bella has moved into the Abbey with me and
Josiah is also staying here sometimes. Since we tend to wake up and get hungry at different times, the morning tea and breakfast fire sometimes lasts quite a while. Then Dave came over to get his rocket cooktop
BB, and made another fire right before lunch. No fire at dinner.
Monday: Breakfast fire. No fire at lunch. Fire at dinner.
Tuesday: No fire all day.