Jennifer Richardson wrote:Orin,
.... You're quite correct about an error in the outside temp sensor--it hadn't synced since the 13th, whereas the other sensors were up to date until the 17th, and we have been having warmer weather....
Thanks Jennifer, after collecting the data on a plywood shell
shelter, I know some of the infinite things that can happen to your data. I really appreciate your much do I appreciate it?
um, how to say this with out sounding over the top??? awww who cares! What you are doing is the holy grail for shelter temperature -the data you collect and the carefulness you record it with (and all the oooopsiees) are more important than alll the other tasks put together that daily pulls at your attention/energy.
How can I explain why? hmmmmm..... there are over 300million humans in the USA who need shelter which needs heat in the winter and coolth in the summer....your data, if done correctly, will tell them how to do that without a monthly bill of $130/mo to $300/mo... you sound educated so maybe you came from a richer family than most, but for the poor people in our country, this is a matter of a life shortened by poverty forced on them by a system which has no alternative or a life where they have
enough time/space to think and create ways to throw off crushing poverty.
so yeah, it's like that. it's that important
The work you are doing, careful data collection, will tell all of us what the Wofati is capable of in the worst winter weather when people in this country die for the lack of heat
yep, so let me know what you want.....(under $50)
and should you start to record the amount of wood you burn, by mass preferably, along with all the interesting occurances (like an open door, bad sensor, or no warm bodies) that would be beyond awesome!!!
oh, did I say how important what you are doing is? Thank you