Dale Hodgins wrote:
Don't waste a penny on homeopathy. A treatment should have at least some plausible means by which it could work. The idea that vaccines cause your allergies is also unsubstantiated. Allergies existed long before there were vaccines. It's your body reacting to the pollen and chemicals that plants naturally produce.
'Life is a whim of several billion cells to be you for a while.' groucho marx
'Life is a whim of several billion cells to be you for a while.' groucho marx
May You Walk in Beauty,
Sharol Tilgner ND
Sharol's books available at website
"Things that will destroy man: Politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; worship without sacrifice." -- Mohandas Gandhi
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. -Proverbs 4:7
Trying to achieve self-reliance on a tiny suburban plot: http://gardenofgaladriel.blogspot.com
Sharol Tilgner wrote:
An example of digestive tract involvement
We find that supporting the digestive tract goes a long way to decreasing overall body inflammation and histamine levels. If you have dysbiosis (your gut flora is out of balance and have too many bad guys to good guys) you will get increased histamine released and more histamine will end up in the general circulation adding to the histamine created from the pollen reaction. Treating the dysbiosis and lowering histamine in the gut are key in this case to lowering histamine load in the body as this histamine will add to the histamine from the pollen. So, how is the gut and dysbiosis involved in making hay fever worse?
The histamine issue and the gut
When there is dysbiosis, this means that there are some less desirable gut bacteria that are out of control. Many of these will add to the histamine load in the gut by irritating and damaging the gut lining in various ways. This causes the gut wall mast cells to release histamine and other inflammatory mediators. We can stabilize mast cells so they release less histamine and we can also remove histamine from the body with the use of enzymes, herbs, and supplements. Additionally, we can go after the histamine producing bacteria. Most of my experience with severe histamine reactions is from my work with people who are reacting to water-damaged buildings. Many of these folks inevitably end up with histamine issues at some point if they don’t take appropriate steps to protect and treat themselves. For folks with excess histamine using the enzyme Diamine oxidase (DAO) (which degrades histamine in the gut) with high histamine meals can make a huge difference in lowering the histamine load their body is under. Stopping all the histamine containing or histamine creating foods is really not an option as this removes a lot of healthy foods and people find it hard to eat. Therefore, using DAO is a big help for these folks along with adding healthy gut bacteria that will compete with the histamine making bacteria. Often these high histamine folks will find themselves unable to take probiotics as they make their digestive issues worse. This is due to the bacteria being types of gut flora in probiotics that add to the histamine load. This does not matter if the person does not tend to have high histamine normally, as we actually need a certain amount of histamine in our body as it is important in various reactions. However, in folks with either genetic or functional reasons for high histamine those probiotics will really bother them as their histamine load is already too high. So, the way to go is to compete with those histamine making bacteria in the gut by introducing only probiotics known to be associated with low histamine in the gut. Why we care about histamine in the gut is that this gut histamine can be picked up by our circulation and travel to other areas of the body. This increases the general histamine load everywhere, thereby, adding to any inflammation in the body including the respiratory tract. This can be quite noticeable for some people including those with hay fever. You can read more about mast cells and how to stabilize them so they release less histamine as well as the use of DAO and gut flora and herbs and supplements to decrease overall histamine and other inflammatory activators at this link. https://youarethehealer.org/mast-cell-activation/
In summer 2022, I did another experiment. I cut out all carbs except those from leafy vegetables (no grains, sugar, root veg, fruits, etc). It worked, and fairly quickly--within a day or two. For the first summer in about ten years or so, my hayfever disappeared. I should have eliminated the rice from my elimination diet :)
“I can think, I can wait, I can fast”-Siddhartha, Herman Hesse
….give me coffee to do the things I can and bourbon to accept the things I can’t.
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