We're at the transition between the "Dead of Summer" and the new cool season growing period. The Cedar Elms are blooming and some Summer-dormant things are beginning to come out of dormancy. I'm cleaning up the Kitchen Garden to plant cool-season vegetables and to review what did well and what failed.
Starting with the failures:
Strawberries - they hated it right away and died soon after. Soil not right, probably.
Bambara Ground Nuts - same thing, instant hate, near-instant death.
Crosnes - never did much, soil probably too alkaline.
Eggplant - seeds sprouted but seedlings died or got eaten instantly.
Choko/Mirliton - grew well initially then failed as it got very hot. Probably in too much sun on the West-facing side of the garden. Next year I will try them on the East-facing side.
Bell Pepper - not worth growing, they don't produce well here.
There were some notable successes:
Tatume Squash - grew fabulously and produced like mad, more than we could eat. We shared a lot of them. We still have over a dozen mature fruit to eat later.
Sweet Potato - I planted these as a ground cover and they did great. We ate them throughout the season as greens and it looks like we will get some
roots as well.
Red Russian Kale - produced well for months, went dormant in the heat of Summer and is now coming back for new harvests.
Sweet Banana Pepper - grew and produced heavily. Next year I will try to grow them from seed instead of from store plants.
Moringa - my new favorite plant. I have three growing in the Kitchen Garden and have planted sticks of three more which I hope will
root and grow. I hope to get all these
trees through the cold season but not counting on it. In any case they grow so fast I won't mind replanting from seed next year if I have to.
Some challenges:
Gilbert Fritz
Landrace Tomatoes - grew well direct-seeded and produced lots of fruit but got badly attacked by sucking insects. Soil probably not optimum.
Bearded Iris - I planted a lot of these throughout the Kitchen Garden but the soil there is sometimes too moist for them so some rotted. I'm moving the survivors to the Food Forest where the soil stays drier.
Apple - I successfully grafted my one surviving
Apple tree but it has not grown much at all. Just not happy. I think I will give up on Apples.