Now THIS is how my mind works too! Wondering about how other people tick, how it compares to how I view myself and those nearest to me, how it all relates to various times, people and issues from my past that I am forever pulling back out to REview with some new lens I've discovered.....
I have a number of high-functioning "spectrum" grandchildren, and have turned the microscope back on myself to see if it's also a part of my self.... There are still so many questions that I may never get answers to about my earliest years...
Since I was very young I've been interested in bugs and growing things; nasturtiums, violas, night blooming jasmine are all memories of Grama. I've almost always been a reader for pleasure, with fond memories of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory series, Charlotte's Web, and early Anne McCaffrey works. I still REread most of Anne's series that I've read already at least 3 times each! It's like rewatching your favorite movie(s) again and again. I like to collect and keep the books I've read and loved. I have quite a library. And I've long been a rock hound of sorts, many memories of going out on rock treks with Mom and my brother, rock hammer and canvas bag in hand! Or just picking up the pretty pebbles on a walk. When my son was young we found a very solid rock for him to hammer when he got mad. I still have that rock about 25 years and 5 moves later.
My grandfather planted the seeds of nutrition and plants as medicine when I was probably 8 from the blender mix of some nearly undrinkable concoction he promised would make my body happy. I found a booklet he wrote and got published about nutrition issues according to his research. He is also where the bugs come from as he had many scorpions, tarantula's and other bugs encased in clear epoxy.
In my teens I became interested in making my own formula of an all purpose healing ointment from my own research using just one of the Jeanne
Rose herbal books! I still make it in gallon batches to this day, and taught my mom the method and recipe. I'm just about out of the last batch we made together in the year she passed. This has grown into growing some of my own ingredients and using them in other ways as well. I have continued to expand my knowledge in the nutrition and medicine arenas over the years, though never taken any formal training in the field.
A now ex- mother-in-law taught me how to crochet decades ago. And I took a single semester of home-economics sewing in Jr. High School and I'm still sewing though mostly quilts now rather than clothing items from when the kids were still young. I have been expanding my skills in both of these creative endeavors on a much slower pace than the alternative medicine. And recently I've taught myself how to make my own twining looms and how to make the heavy duty fabric that results from this method. Most of the perhaps dozen pieces I've now made in the last 2 years or so have remained flat but a couple have been folded in half and made into a bag of sorts. I've been on a real tear since just before my son left the state with the sewing, crocheting, and rug-making, most of it using strips of cloth!
And something else I've noticed about myself that perhaps is common (or not), I can't seem to move on to either finish something I've started if it's taking a really long time to complete (usually the size of the project is greater than my estimated attention span for said project) when I have another "project" in mind. I get that sort of blockage in
alot of things. The worst part is that I know this is the major contributor to all the clutter I have going on. For cryin out loud, I am still midway in one crochet project that I intended to be a "blanket" that would overhang a king sized bed. I have a queen, have always had a queen; so why a king? No clue. I started that project in the early 1990's!!!
I currently have and am working the following: Crochet - a tablecloth in the round to fit my big dining table using a steel hook so my yarn is more a thread (on hold but available, it now takes about an hour to go around just once); a cape sort of covering to wear in a slightly larger yarn; and a 2nd bag large enough to be almost a laundry bag in an 8/4 cotton warp thread, steel hook again! Sewing - a new quilt for a tall grandson using a 60 degree diamond piecing that will all lay in the same direction but I'm stumped on how to put the pieces together correctly and so while it is still out and available to work, I've not gotten any further really than the cutting. Twining Loom - my medium loom is warped and I'm nearly done making a pink themed piece for a granddaughter who loves pink.
Most recently, and for the past almost 2 years, I'm researching and creating notebooks of gleaned information on what I think my near future life will be on close to 40 acres in West Virginia. How to build animal
shelters, how to care for the planned animals (meat and fiber goats and
rabbits, mini belted cows, and maybe a fish system)... what they can eat from things we could grow for them and us... building the enclosures we will need from resources at hand, hügelkultur beds with the rotting lumber just laying all over, using plant guilds and what would be used in those many guilds, medicinals to grow on the property and how to use them...
All this while also doing all the other stuff in my normal days... going to my paying job, cooking and cleaning at home, and my little garden in raised beds.
Interesting tidbit: The Turpins lived only about 30 minutes from me in a neighboring
city. And I see they have a Wikipedia page!
Tag! You're it!