Hill Country Permie Wannabe
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Idle dreamer
Hill Country Permie Wannabe
Iterations are fine, we don't have to be perfect
My 2nd Location:Florida HardinessZone:10 AHS:10 GDD:8500 Rainfall:2in/mth winter, 8in/mth summer, Soil:Sand pH8 Flat
Idle dreamer
Hill Country Permie Wannabe
Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:If you haven't seen it before, be sure to watch this video by Geoff Lawton, about what to look for in a property:
Idle dreamer
Hill Country Permie Wannabe
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Tyler Ludens wrote:I can give some recommendations on what to look for here:
Hill Country Permie Wannabe
Idle dreamer
Hill Country Permie Wannabe
Hill Country Permie Wannabe
David Chartt wrote:Hello Kristy,
I have 8 acres in Spicewood TX. I've had it for 4 years and just now getting around to build a low water crossing and drill a well. Have you bought property yet? Just wondering if you are close or far from me. I have some details and designs on building a low water crossing in case you decided to buy in a flood zone. I would like mention here the advantages of having some of your property in a flood zone, since I only saw the more negative aspects mentioned here about flood zones. Better chance of finding good soil in a flood zone, especially in central Texas hill country. Beter chance of finding plenty of water when drilling close to a seasonal creek. Properties are also generally cheaper in a flood zone. I plan to plant larger nut trees in the area most prone to flooding and smaller trees and shrubs higher up. Garden will be in the flood zone, but on the outer edge of it. I will build work shop and home completely out of the flood zone.
I am a master carpenter by trade, but I have skills working with other materials besides wood. I plan to stay off the electric grid there. I haven't built an off grid solar power system yet. Just done lots of research at this point. I would appreciate any information from anyone who has built a solar power system.
Best Regards,
Hill Country Permie Wannabe
Kristy League wrote:I will close on 10 acres near Lockhart in a few weeks which is about 63 miles from Spicewood. In homestead terms, that's neighbors! A low water crossing was installed by seller & looks well done. I like the upsides you mention of overlooked benefits of flood zone and it scaring buyers off is probably how I got it for the price I did & I have no reservations. But ask me again after a 100 year flood right?!
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