Jim Guinn wrote:Daron...I have to tell you, when you first started posting about your blog/potential online business, it looked rather interesting, and I was thinking of signing up for your information to see what you have to offer. However, you have made a number of additional posts about your blog/potential business that really don't bring much new to the table on this forum and are starting to feel rather spammy... like you are making these posts to push your new website and the "Cheat Sheet" you offer on your site. Someone even mentioned to you in your thread yesterday (about web site optimization) of your site feeling somewhat spammy in that it pushes your "Get Your Cheat Sheet", but now your posts are starting to feel this way to me. (Perhaps others???) I'm not here to jump all over you, and I can relate to your enthusiasm of having a new website, but you need to tone it down a bit. JMO. I know I may make no friends with this post, but if you have something to offer on your website, you don't need to push your website on Permies every day. Just make real quality posts of value, and folks will migrate to your site. What you are doing is a common mistake for new website owners...mentioning your site at every opportunity....but it can have a very negative boomerang effect. Take it from someone who learned the hard way and has had a website that is now 12 years old.
Hey Jim - I always appreciate feedback so thank you for your comment.
Most weeks I will only be making 1 thread on permies that focus on my site. I try to make these threads have some value to add to the permies community and not just promote my site. Occasionally, I will make a mid-week bonus post on my site and an extra thread here on permies. These mid-week posts don't always fit with my regular blog posts. One was my "gifts for homesteaders" post/thread. In the future I might do some that are focused on say edible
native plants in Western Washington. In general these bonus posts won't be a good fit for everyone that visits my site so I add them as an extra post instead of one of my regular weekly posts.
This week was a bit different. I made my regular weekly thread but I also made a thread asking a question using an apple-poll. I wanted to hear from the permies community to find out what people were the most interested in. While this is focused on my site it is not really promotional in my opinion. The 3rd thread that you originally replied to was not meant to be promotional - it was meant to give back by showing what I was doing and what was and was not working.
In my time here on permies I have seen a lot of people trying to get their own homesteading and
permaculture blogging sites up and running. Many of them have struggled to get any traction. My hope is that by sharing what I'm doing in more detail and how it is working people who are struggling or have not even started yet can get some benefit from what I'm sharing.
I will be adding to the 3rd thread once a month unless people ask me questions in between.
I also had a 4th thread that discussed the question about site optimization. I had not planned to make this thread but I had 2 permies users in one of my other threads both bring up the issue of my site not working great for them. Since that conversation did not fit with the original thread I made a new one so I could continue that conversation and see what I could change on my site. Based on that conversation I have made several changes to improve my site's speed.
As far as the site being spammy - it is true I have 4 opt-ins per blog post asking people to signup for my email list in exchange for what I mostly call a cheat-sheet. The popup shows up the first time you visit a blog post and then goes away for 15 days. The other 3 are always there but I try to keep them minimal - one is just a sidebar widget and the other 2 are towards the start of the post and at the very end.
While this might seem excessive everything I have read encourages this amount. The 2 inline opt-ins and the widget are standard on almost all blogs that are running as a business. The popups are a bit more controversial but I tried to make mine as low impact as possible while still being beneficial - the popups account for a significant % of my email signups. I chose not to have popups that block out the screen and on mobile devices the popup is replaced by a small ribbon at the bottom of the screen that can be closed.
I also chose to have no advertisements on my site other than my own opt-ins. I may promote my own products using a few tools in the future but I'm committed to not running any ads on my site.
Finally, with the holidays I did chose to make my last 2 posts and the bonus post before those a bit "lighter". I have a big post and a couple associated pages coming out next week focused on Rocket Ovens. Between working on that and the holidays I did not have time to come out with my regular posts this week or last week. But moving forward those "light" posts will not be the norm - I will do that style again in the future but only when I don't have time for a bigger post or if it just makes sense (a new years post for example).
Not expecting you to agree with everything I'm doing but I did want to explain the "why" behind some of the decisions I have made. Thank you again for your feedback - I may not follow all the feedback I get but I do appreciate any feedback.