By far the most popular spot is in Byron at Coos Canyon along the Swift River and the East Branch of the Swift River.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
“All good things are wild, and free.” Henry David Thoreau
Artie Scott wrote:Very interesting, Travis, there is a lot of quartz on my property as well, and a bold creek and several tributaries. Plus a history of gold mines not far away. "Panning for gold" on a hot Summer's day is just a good excuse for me to sit in the creek all afternoon pretending I am being productive! I figure I am probably a billionaire, if only I could find it. But then I wouldn't get to sit in the creek all afternoon.
Anne Miller wrote:I have hunted for gold in Colorado and Indiana. It is hard work in my opinion. Fun adventure for kids.
Google saysBy far the most popular spot is in Byron at Coos Canyon along the Swift River and the East Branch of the Swift River.
All you need are some metal pie pans. Look for black sand.
Skandi Rogers wrote:You are very unlikely to find any in the gravel, you'll need to look under the gravel on any hard surfaces clay would be ideal but any crevices in the bedrock would also be possible. Fine clean gravel is going to be water deposited and by the sound of it is well sorted, any heavier (or lighter) particles such as gold flakes will be in a different area, I did hardrock geology as part of my Degree though my masters is softrock. I do remember 50 people panning in a Scottish stream for about 3 hours, and between us we found 2 flakes, so don't expect to find much fast!
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Michael Cox wrote:Travis - I have been looking into gold prospecting as a little adventure for me and my older boy (6 year old). I have a few thoughts.
1) If you want to do some serious prospecting, you might want to invest in a small sluice. Looks like from your photos you have plenty of water to work with.
You can process MUCH more material much more quickly, which will make your prospecting efforts faster and more reliable. You can wash a bucket of sediment in a matter of minutes and then use your pan at the very end.
2) Hard rock mining is a much more challenging proposition than processing alluvial deposits, requiring a very different set of tools. You may have stuff on site already to handle that, but if not then prospecting for alluvial deposits will be a cheaper and easier way to start.
3) Have you looked at videos of people working crevices in the bedrock? Gold settles to the very bottom of the sediment, being the most dense. It is highly unlikely to be found in course river washed gravels.
Good luc, and keep us updated
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Michael Cox wrote:I guess I'm not sure what you are trying to get out of this. Are you looking for the lode gold just out of curiosity, or with a view to doing some mining? Are you after a hobby?
If a hobby, then I personally would be looking at panning. Finding hard rock gold would be a bonus.
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Dan Boone wrote:The bible of my childhood was Handbook for the Alaska Prospector by Earnest Wolff. Although a very old book now, many inexpensive copies are available from the usual sources such as Abe Books, EBay, and so forth. It is a very complete book (think "The Boy Scout's Handbook") and as such contains a lot of matter not so useful to modern eyes, like how to plan and pack for dogsled transport the supplies one would need to survive in a winter prospecting cabin. But it also contains a complete and accessible basic geology education -- well, minerology anyway -- and especially it offers several chapters worth of instruction on the A to Z of arriving in a valley and doing a complete mineral survey, starting with quick panning and other basic assessments for other valuable minerals, moving on to regularized survey pits and trenches, and and laying out a host of practical tips and statistical tricks for zeroing in on the mineral source. The problem of finding rough gold in the placers and knowing there's a "mother lode" in nearby native rock is an ancient one, but it usually falls to surprisingly-simple elbow grease brute force statistical sampling. Allowing for some issues of transport (by water, wind, and gravity) of talus and scree where the native rock breaks away from the slope, and then downstream once it reaches the stream and becomes placer deposits, it's generally the case that there's more of whatever you want the closer you get to wherever it came out of its original seam or stratum. Wolff is very good at explaining in the language of working men how to exploit that simple fact.
Of course, l remember reading his book at the age of twelve and thinking "OMG I never want to work that hard!" In some of our prospecting we would dig maybe half a dozen pits to bedrock to take sample pans, and he was talking about throwing a grid of thirty or a hundred pits up the valley in order to find a lode mine. Luckily we were working in ancient geology with broken conglomerate bedrocks; placer deposits were all we had to look for, we didn't have any mother lodes to hunt.
Michael Cox wrote:Travis - I have been looking into gold prospecting as a little adventure for me and my older boy (6 year old). I have a few thoughts.
1) If you want to do some serious prospecting, you might want to invest in a small sluice. Looks like from your photos you have plenty of water to work with.
You can process MUCH more material much more quickly, which will make your prospecting efforts faster and more reliable. You can wash a bucket of sediment in a matter of minutes and then use your pan at the very end.
2) Hard rock mining is a much more challenging proposition than processing alluvial deposits, requiring a very different set of tools. You may have stuff on site already to handle that, but if not then prospecting for alluvial deposits will be a cheaper and easier way to start.
3) Have you looked at videos of people working crevices in the bedrock? Gold settles to the very bottom of the sediment, being the most dense. It is highly unlikely to be found in course river washed gravels.
Good luc, and keep us updated
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Michael Cox wrote:I think those small vortexes are usually used for processing concentrates - that is, the material that is left behind after you have run buckets and buckets of stuff through a sluice.
I haven't used them, but I like the look of the sluices because they are portable to your location, let you process a lot of material on site and don't need any power. You might run the sluice for an hour in the stream, working your alluvial deposits. Then dump the concentrates in a bucket and either pan them by hand or take them home and use a your vortex pot.
From what I have seen of your previous posts you certainly have the skill to knock together a simple sluice.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Bless your Family,
Michael Moreken wrote:Good for you!
Growing on my small acre in SW USA; Fruit/Nut trees w/ annuals, Chickens, lamb, pigs; rabbits and in-laws onto property soon.
Long term goal - chairmaker, luthier, and stay-at-home farm dad. Check out my music!
Dustin Rhodes wrote:Is there a good enough market for the Garnet? seems to be a fairly popular gemstone - you wouldn't even have to polish or cut them before selling, necessarily.
Growing on my small acre in SW USA; Fruit/Nut trees w/ annuals, Chickens, lamb, pigs; rabbits and in-laws onto property soon.
Long term goal - chairmaker, luthier, and stay-at-home farm dad. Check out my music!
Tomorrow doesn’t exist and never will. There is only the eternal now. Do it now.
Growing on my small acre in SW USA; Fruit/Nut trees w/ annuals, Chickens, lamb, pigs; rabbits and in-laws onto property soon.
Long term goal - chairmaker, luthier, and stay-at-home farm dad. Check out my music!
Cindy Skillman wrote:People (from MN) have been out here for three years now staking claims (including on our land, including trespassing on our land and pounding stakes on our land). I do not like them, to put it politely. I will refrain from saying here what, precisely, I think of them. We were forced to spend over $500 with a lawyer (which basically amounts to half a phone call--I’m not fond of lawyers either, but you need one now and then, usually to protect you from some other lawyer) establishing that yes, we do own mineral rights to our property. The Homestake closed down because it was no longer profitable to mine the gold that is still there. These bozos think they’re going to get rich destroying the USFS land, and any private land whose owners aren’t fortunate enough to own mineral rights. There is no readily available gold here in quantities sufficient for more than hobbyists’ enterprises. Gold is a curse not a blessing. I wish it had never been created.
Lukas Rohrbach wrote:Hi Travis
As former exploration geologist, I am surprised by your thread and findings! Geology is a wonderful profession and a wonderfull hobby too.
First of all, you seem to have solved your initial challenges about gold panning. I have done lot of it down in NZ South Island, where they had a gold rush in the 19th century. We found flakes in each creek we panned, and a nugget every now and then. Our lincences were super prospective, and they had even too much gold to tell where it all comes from.
Regarding palladium, it seems to occur together with platinum. There are only a few significant producers of this metal, one is Stillwater Mining out of Montana, others are in South Africa and Russia. Your find might have geological significance. I suggest you want to share it either with a university for research purposes, or with a mining company if you want to sell your land for a good price.
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