I think this badge bit is a bit like the
spoon carving one, in that it's a bit up to the person as to what qualifies as a rough spoon, or rough darning. Both Raven and I got sent back at least once when we were carving our spoon, because it wasn't good enough. Our spoons were TOO rough.
When certifying the spoon BBs, sometimes it's really evident that someone carved a good spoon...and other time it's hard to tell if it was too rough or not. In those cases, the people who could certify, waited for the authority (in that case, Paul) to make the decision on the spoon. I've nicely asked Raven to weigh in on this, as she's the expert and the one that designed it. The requirements were
To complete this Badge Bit, you must:
- Post a picture of your holey sock, darning needles
- Post a picture of your darning in process
- Post a picture of your no-longer-holey sock
- It doesn't have to be pretty, it just has to be functional and not too bulky
I don't know how functional she needs the darns to be. You second darn is GREAT on the weaving and the removal of gaps. But, it looks like you only attached the darning stitches to the knit stitches closest to the hole. Those stitches are usually already weakened, and will likely tear. The fact that you used wool might be enough to compensate, but I don't know! I'm relatively new to darning with wool. The last one is much easier to certify because it's easy to tell that the darn will hold and not cause more holes.
I've been sent back countless times on different badge bits because I hadn't done it well. And, it was really frustrating at the time, but looking back, I'm glad that I persisted and did better, because that really helped me gain the skills for the next level. Sewing can be a difficult fine motor skill. It takes practice to train one's hands to make small stitches and to move the needle where you want it. And, that's okay! You'll get there! And the more you practice now, the easier the next badge bit will be, and other sewing tasks will be.
When I made my basket for textiles, I failed four different other baskets before that (I didn't post pictures because they were so bad!). These textile skills have a big learning curve if you're new to them. Congrats on pushing through and learning the skills!