been doing epic amounts of craftwork, especially beadwork lately, thought i would share some of the pics...
took a lot of pics for listing on, but before i could post them up pre christmas time, i sold most everything i had photographed before even getting to list! well still have a lot of stuff to list, once i get another big photo session done of my latest work..
already sold all of the pieces i made in this style -->
will have to make some time to make some more, but the spiral stitched straps take quite a while so i havent yet made any more with those amethyst pendants...
do still have a few left that i did with abalone centerpieces..
and quite a few i did with no pendant, just the spiral stitch
also made a ton of rainbows!
did a couple of commissioned pieces of extra long rainbow earrings, and decided to make a few more that way-->
liked these so much i made a duplicate and been enjoying these for myself -->
well thats probably more than
enough for now =)
procrastinating a bit to list what i do have left to list on etsy...if i finally get it all listed up in the next few days i will remember to come back here to drop a link...