Last year a badger came to my garden and started dragging out my young hazel trees. I put them back, next day they were out again. I planted them in the green house, the badger didn't like coming there, they're still there.
This year i started a small tree nursery under the oaks, and i've planted loads of hazelnuts. The badger comes every day now, he likes to remove the
straw and hay i've mulched my paths with in between the vegetable beds, he is looking for worms and hopefully slugs as well . I had to protect my hazelbabytrees and nuts, so i've build a little
fence around it, he can't just get in. But it's not
enough, he might dig or jump or climb the
fence, he might try to bite his way in. I have no idea what they're capable of so i had the idea to use holly as a defense. No idea if it's going to repel him. I'll have to remember to post a picture, because it tells more than a thousand words can.
Has anyone got any idea if it will work against the hazel murdering ferocious evil badger? Or do i have to catch it and kill it? Or is there another preferably natural measure i could take?