Boot Quisenberry Reporting In!
Log #4
After the rain these last two days I had some seriously soaked bedding. I of course insisted on bringing a little old tent I've had for years and thought it would be fine to spend the season in it, just like I did camping in years past. But the poor old thing has lost much of its
water resistance and if anything touches from the inside water will soak it through. Bahh!
Well, during the morning boot work of working on a junk pole - style
fence at the Dog Star Location, the sun came back out and graced all of us hard workers with its sweet rays. Ah ha! I thought, now isn't this a great opportunity to practice some low tech solutions!
Ah, the classic clothes line. It's set up out back of the fisher price house between a few good
trees that let in a lot of sunshine. I hauled all my wet blankets out and grabbed some clothes pins and set out to tackle this
What a calm feeling came over me as I hung up
my stuff in the warm breeze. This! This feeling like I have everything I ever needed, right here in the midst of nature and the sky. Feels better than putting wet clothes in the
dryer ever did. Feels better than I ever thought it would. I wish I could do this back home. Alas, no hope exists back home in the
city for many apartment dwellers like me. I'll just enjoy the freedoms of Wheaton Labs!
P.S. I try to work on my tent pad little by little every day. It's getting there!