I love wheat-based products, but growing wheat to make into consistently-available flour is not feasible for me given the time, effort, and space it would require. Are there any alternatives to wheat that I could grow instead?
A few notes:
- I am looking for something that can be used similar to wheat in making things like
sourdough bread, pancakes, pizza dough, soft tortillas, desserts, etc. If a plant can be ground to flour but that flour, for whatever reason, does not work well for making these things, it's not a good alternative.
- I need something that is easier, lower-maintenance, and more confined than wheat. If a plant can be used to make flour is high-maintenance, specialized, and/or takes up a ton of space, it isn't a good alternative. (Space can be relative, considering the yield of a plant; for example, an oak tree is much bigger than a single stalk of wheat, and yet if [hypothetically] an oak tree or two produce
enough acorns to make the needed amount of flour, then their size isn't an issue).
- I live in USDA Zone 8a.