The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
Idle dreamer
Chenopodium album is vulnerable to leaf miners, making it a useful trap crop as a companion plant. Growing near other plants, it attracts leaf miners which might otherwise have attacked the crop to be protected. It is a host plant for the beet leafhopper, an insect which transmits curly top virus to beet crops.
Each plant produces tens of thousands of black seeds. These are high in protein, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. Quinoa is a closely related species which is grown specifically for its seeds.[16] It is also used as a medicinal plant in traditional African medicine.
it is also used as food (both the leaves and the seeds) for chickens, hens and other poultry. However, the nitrates in the plant can be converted very efficiently to nitrites in the rumen of cattle, leading to changes in haemoglobin and reducing the ruminants' oxygen binding capacity.
There are no experts, Just people with more experience.
auntythelma wrote:
in all my vegetables have done better this year with my weeds growing alongside than in years past when I have kept the rows 100% weed free.
Idle dreamer
Bloom where you are planted.
Brenda Groth wrote:
absolutely keep lambsquarters if you like cooked spinach, as it is superior and free..and grows better than spinach in hot summers.
Paul Cereghino- Ecosystem Guild
Maritime Temperate Coniferous Rainforest - Mild Wet Winter, Dry Summer
Bloom where you are planted.
Can someone tell me if I transplant it from my one garden to the other, is it likely to take, and also will I still get the benefits. [the reason for transplanting is that I am leaving the 1st garden.]
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. - Masanobu Fukuoka
ellenrr wrote:
Can someone tell me if I transplant it from my one garden to the other, is it likely to take, and also will I still get the benefits.
Diversified Food forest maker . Fill every niche and you'll have less weeds (the weeds are the crop too). Fruit, greens, wild harvest, and nuts as staple. Food processing and preservation are key to self self-sufficiency. Never eat a plant without posetive identification and/or consulting an expert.
Pastured pork and beef on Vashon Island, WA.
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